Although the gods of Chinese folk belief most often have human-like forms, animals also play a big role in ancient Chinese myths. Many of the important creatures in Chinese mythology are based on real-world animals, such as lions, tigers, snakes and turtles. But others are much more ...
Since the beginning of human history, people have lived in close contact with animals—usually as hunters and farmers—and have developed myths and legends about them. All kinds of creatures, from fierce leopards to tiny spiders, play important roles in mythology. A myth can give special ...
OBJECTS & ANIMALS The AegisAthena’s Shield,Ambrosiathe Nectar of the Gods,The Ark of the Covenantreligious relic of the Israelites,Currencyin Ancient Greece,Dickens’A Christmas Carol,The Enchiridion, TheHenbanePlant,The HourGlass,Kites,Masksthroughout History, Murder Mystery Games,Passenger Pigeonsthr...
The ear mouse is a strange animal in the myths and legends of the Han nationality. It is like a mouse with a rabbit head and can fly with its tail. Its theory first appeared in the pre-Qin period. "Shan Hai Jing" has a cloud: ear mouse, beast, its shape is like a mouse, and ...
Egyptians mummified a variety ofanimals.There were four different reasons for this: People mummified their pets because they loved them. Other animals, like ducks, were meant to provide food for the dead. Egyptians sacrificed, mummified and offered animals, likecatsand baboons, to the gods. ...
represent the domination of nature," Shi said. "This mentality is quite different from the ancient people more than 2,000 years ago. For our ancestors living before the Qin dynasty, the world on the other side of the mountain is unknown, and people were in awe of nature and animals." ...
Stories about the origins of clans, found in many regions, are widespread among peoples of the northwest coast from Puget Sound to southern Alaska. In addition to trickster and "transformer" myths, the California region produced various myths about animals and about the deities who started the ...
They probably are older still: myths about sphinxes and centaurs and minotaurs told at the dinner table or in the amphitheaters were undoubtedly passed down over generations. The strength of this archetype can be seen in the persistence of modern tales of werewolves, vampires, Dr. Jekyll and...
D . 8, tells many of the ancient myths and legends of Greece, Rome, and the Near East. All the stories have a common theme of change, or metamorphosis, hence the name of the work. Characters in each of the tales undergo some sort of transformation into other forms, including animals,...
is also near. The theme of heroes, monsters, horses and grazing horned animals among these constellations fits the ‘semantic field’ of the semi-divine ancestral hero myths very strongly: every city was built upon the achievements of rustic ancestors who wrought all of their needs from nature...