In Genshin Impact, ancient carvings are in the form of stone tablets that can be found all across Dragonspine. There are 8 of these ancient carvings, and once you have hunted them all down, you’ll get access to a locked door below the Statue of the Seven. We have given a map that ...
While exploring Petrichor Island inGenshin Impact, players can climb the bell tower situated in the center of the village to find a hidden message. A villager named Juliano has written some of his heroic works that he did in the past and one of them is how he built ...
And then there was the annual Steam Hardware Survey, linked at the bottom with the other key items. That is always a bit of an insight. Windows remains the operating system of choice for 98% of respondents. Just reality-ville there. The average free hard drive space makes me itch… but ...
The Revenant Kill in JU-0WQ The Sansha’s Nation faction version of a Supercarrier and quite possibly the ugliest piece of shit CCP has ever released. Seriously. It looks like a cross between a turd and a kidney stone, or some kind of rejected Dark Souls boss fight. -GoonWiki, opening ...
And this was kind of key as we would walk past that group a few times. Our first bit of trouble was a group of four, two fire elementals and two Dark Iron Dwarves, one of which was a healer. We decided to kill the healer first, but the elementals hit very hard and I went down...
So I dodged that bullet. That and the whole refusal by Amazon to use the term “MMORPG” are the key takeaways from this bullet point. Valheim Board Game Valheimhas apparently hit the level of success where somebody felt they needed to make a board game out of the experience. ...
There are a few EverQuest-ish items thrown into the interface, like screen shots being tied to the dash on the keypad rather than the now-standard print screen key, as well as the ability to move the camera angle up and down with the page up/page down keys. (That last one is someth...