The National Trust & English Heritage publication of 1995 says regarding The History of the site:“It was recorded by John Aubrey, who included a sketch in his unpublishedMonumenta Britannicaof c1665, and described it‘on the brow of the Hill, south of West Kynnet, is this monument, but wi...
History of Massage, Shamanistic Origins, Ancient Chinese Massage, Indian, Thai, Tantra Massage, Babylonian, Egyptian, Arabic, Roman and Modern Massage
Tajikistan has a long and rich history that dates back as early as the sixth century B.C. As a nation descended from Bactria and Sogdiana, its ancient culture and traditions set the groundwork for both ancient and modern civilization. Tajikistan marked the 32nd anniversary of its independence ...
Military History Books Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors To besiege a city: Leningrad 1941-42 Sicily ’43: the assault on Fortress Europe Stalin’s War The Eastern Front: A history of the First World War Gladius: living, fighting, and dying in the Roman Army ...
The fastest sport on two wheels thrilled fans in packed arenas across Roman lands, while the elite condemned—and exploited—the passions of the crowd.
Love ancient history? You’d love our magazine! Ask your parents to check outNat Geo Kids magazine! (AD) 3)ThePyramid of KhufuatGizais the largest Egyptian pyramid. This incredible structure weighs as much as 16 Empire State buildings!
How to shine during a cocktail party? To the rescue comesDailyArt Magazine! In this article, you will learn about SIX (only six, we promise) ancient Greek sculptures you should know! First of all, you must know that modern scholarship identifies three major stages of development of Greek scu...
Ancient Pits of the Copper Country: Michigan History Magazine Sat Down with State of Michigan Archaeologist John R. Halsey to Discuss What He Has Learned about Miners Who Explored and Developed the Copper Country in the Mid-Nineteenth Century...
Image courtesy of the Natural History Society of Northumbria, the Great North Museum: Hancock. It was also just fascinating to read the words of the great man himself and find a rather different story to the generally accepted narrative of ‘the usual rivalry and animosity between the British ...
Created thousands of years ago,Greek mythswere epic stories aboutGreek gods, passed down over generations. They often feature heroic battles and terrible creatures, and taught the importance of bravery, intelligence, and right and wrong. They showed that even the gods, like mortal men, could be...