the Greek believed that their deities had multiple personalities and were mainly embodied in human forms, they believed that each deity represented a certain facet of humans' aspects and people were required to measure up to that aspect in order to reach their ‘'higher humanity'' , that is ...
3. As in the Near East, there were 2 types of human oracles--mad/possessed and sane. The sane oracles were less common and were usually male. Most common were the mad/possessed prophets, usually female. As the Greeks understood the female body to be squishy and hollow, they believed wom...
The ancient Greeks worshiped Nike because they believed that she could cause them to never dieand could grant humans the strength and speed necessary to be victorious in whatever task they undertook. Styx Styx, also known as Styx, was, for the Greeks, anOceanid, that is, a nymph daughter ...
Though drama had religious beginnings, it evolved into an important way for Greeks as a society (albeit mostly for male citizens) to investigate the world in which they lived and what it meant to be human. Aristotle believed that drama, tragedy in particular, had a way of cleansing the hear...
When the Greeks controlled Egypt, a succession of engineers who could construct automata established themselves in Alexandria. Starting with the polymath Ctesibius (285-222 BC), Alexandrian engineers left behind texts detailing workable automata powered by hydraulics or steam. Ctesibius built human-lik...
Revealing its potentials most fully during the classical period when slaveholding democracy flourished, Greek art achieved a profound human quality in its artistic imagery. Although the creative work of the Greeks was based to a large extent on naïve, mythological concepts (in Marx’ words “...
aSports were important in ancient Greece and the Greeks took time out for physical fitness by doing and celebrating sports.The Greeks said:A healthy bady makes a healthy mind.To live up to this ideal,most young men went to wreatling schools where they trained as athletes and had good food...
It is believed that the date palm may have represented fertility in humans in ancient Mesopotamia. (Source) This is a safe assumption to make, considering the symbolism of the sacred marriage ritual which took place each spring for the Sumerians and all those following them. For the sacred ma...
Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets. He was born at Teos, an Ionian city on the coast of Asia Minor. Little more is known of his life, but it is likely that he shared the voluntary exile of the mass of his fellow-townsmen who sailed to Abdera in ...
The life cycle of eels also added to their allure. The exactreproductive mechanismsof eels were not understood by the ancient Greeks, who simply believed they were spontaneously generated from the mud or bottom sediments of the sea or river. This mystery surrounding their reproduction sparked curios...