Olympian Zeus- a seated statue of the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology created for the temple at Olympia; the statue was 40 feet tall and rested on a base that was 12 feet high Great Pyramid,Pyramids of Egypt,Pyramid- a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides;...
6. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) (often plural) one of the classical authors of Greek or Roman antiquity 7. archaic an old man [C14: from Old French ancien, from Vulgar Latin anteanus (unattested), from Latin ante before] ˈancientness n ancient (ˈeɪnʃənt) n 1....
Ixion Greek King of the Lapiths in Thessaly, the largest ancient region of north-central Greece.
In this brief section I had adapted the modern Demotic Greek wordαπόδοση (performance, yield) and treated it as if it were Ancient Greek. (Note, for example, the change in the accented syllable to reflect the pattern prevalent in the Hellenistic Period). I guess I could have u...
Ironically, an important stimulus for the development of moral philosophy came from a group of teachers to whom the later Greek philosophers—Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle—were consistently hostile: theSophists. This term was used in the 5th century to refer to a class of professional teachers ...
Despite being one of the most impressive Greek and Roman ruins on Earth, theancient city of Ephesuscan be found in western Turkey. Dating back over 2,000 years, it was once home to the famous Temple of Artemis. But what makes these ruins stand out is just how immersive they are. Unlike...
Philip was succeeded by his 20-year-old son Alexander, who immediately set out to carry out his father's plans. He travelled to Corinth where the assembled Greek cities recognised him as leader of the Greeks, then set off north to assemble his forces. The army with which he invaded the ...
Romans had a god for everything, and soldiers were especially superstitious. Much of Greek medical thought opted for practicality in the treatment of wounds, and injuries; cleaning and bandaging wounds would have been more logical than putting another talisman about the neck. That said, let us ...
Anacreon (born ca. 570 BC) was a Greek lyric poet, notable for his drinking songs and hymns. Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets. He was born at Teos, an Ionian city on the coast of Asia Minor. Little more is known of his life, but it is likely ...
Sure, Niantic has said that the interest in AR gaming has not developed along the lines they were expecting… which is code for the fact they couldn’t repeat the success ofPokemon Go, even when handed an IP likeHarry Potter. And that no doubt is a factor in all of this, that Niantic...