The ancient Egyptian word for doctor is "wabau". This title has a long history. The earliest recorded physician in the world, Hesy-Ra, practiced in ancient Egypt. He was Chief of Dentists and Physicians to King Djoser, who ruled in the 27th century BC. The lady Peseshet (2400 BC) may...
Many great greek names studied medicine in ancient Egypt at the temple of Amenhotep such as Galen and Hippocrates, Herophilos and many others who acknowledged the contribution of ancient Egyptian civilization to Greek medicine and were able to study the Egyptian symbols, texts, beliefs and pass ...
The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates is commonly quoted as saying, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates is often called the “father of modern medicine’ even though he was born around 460 B. C. But modern medical research confirms that certain foods can help ...
In its early stages (during the period of matriarchy) Greek mythology was characterized by elemental, monstrous forms, that is. it was vividly chthonic (from the Greek word for earth, chthō n, which according to the mythological view gave birth to these monsters). During the period of the...
Galen was a Greek physician and writer who was educated at the sanctuary of Asklepios at Pergamon in Asia Minor. After working in various cities around the Empire, Galen returned to his home town to become the doctor at the local ludus, or gladiatorial school. He grew tired of that work ...
The word for string (chordê) came to be used with the general sense of a note of music; and in this way the several strings of the lyre gave their names to the notes of the Greek gamut[8]. § 16. The Standard Octachord System. In the age of the great melic poets the lyre ...
Ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates said, “Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.” Tao Yong, an eye doctor of Beijing, is a typical example of this message.Tao’s known for always putting his patients first. He received as many patients as possible. Somet...
Even so, we have more complete poems by Anyte than by any other Greek woman, since the nine books of Sappho survive only in fragments.She was the first to write epitaphs for animals, and one of the first known to write vivid descriptions of untamed nature. ...
The Greek word “caught up” or “snatched up” means to seize, catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force) that word is harpazo. This Greek word translates to the Latin Vulgate as “rapturo” from which we get the English word “rapture.” ...
Professor of Ancient Greek History Paul Christesen joins WIRED to answer your questions from Twitter. What do we know about the original Olympics? How did Ancient Greece elect leaders? Is the film ‘300’ accurate? Was there a huge outdoor statue of Athe