Hellenistic religion, any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of eastern Mediterranean peoples from 300 bc to ad 300. The period of Hellenistic influence, when taken as a whole, constitutes one of the most creative periods in the history of r
Ancient Egyptian religion, indigenous beliefs of ancient Egypt from predynastic times (4th millennium BCE) to its decline in the first centuries CE. With tombs dominating the archaeological record, it is especially known for its treatment of the dead. It
Let us put it this way: everything that we came to believe in as well as everything that concerns the fact of how the framework of our mind “operates” is nothing else than ideas, values and beliefs that have been engraved to us from our early years of existence. For instance, when...
, Homer, the great Greek writer, described a garden that was a place of constant productivity, where “fruit never fails nor runs short, winter and summer alike.”Greek interest in spirituality and nature manifested itself in the tradition of the sacred grove. Usually comprised of a few trees...
It began in Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe, immediately following the Middle Ages and spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. The Renaissance was characterized by a revival of interest in classical learning, wisdom and values from the Ancient Greek and Roman eras. ...
on morality (as a combination of fear of the gods and adherence to the customs of the city) and beliefs about life after death. The final chapter, 'Greek religion in the Hellenistic period', feels a little 'tacked-on' to this introductory volume. M. is clearly an expert on this ...
Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, who helped to shape Greek beliefs. The ideas he created are present in our culture today. Socrates was a person full of curiosity. From the time he was a young man, Socrates searched for wisdom and truth. He gained wisdom by asking questions. Many...
| Tagged Adam Alexander Haviaras, An Altar of Indignities, ancient Greece, ancient history, ancient religion, archaeology, Ardittos, Artemis, Artemis Agrotera, Athens, Eagles and Dragons Publishing, Greek mythology, Hill of Ardittos, historical fantasy, new release, Pangrati, temple, The World of...
The Thread represents the fundamental human values that we all share, no matter our religion, our ethnicity or beliefs, she noted. "This production aims to travel the world. We have started from Italy, it has been presented at London's Sadler's (Wells) theatre, it will be staged in Germ...
Great Mother of the Gods, ancient Oriental and Greco-Roman deity, known by a variety of local names; the name Cybele or Cybebe predominates in Greek and Roman literature from about the 5th century bc onward. Her full official Roman name was Mater Deum Ma