For instance, ancient Chinese houses are known for their wooden structures, intricate roof designs, and harmonious integration with the natural landscape. In contrast, ancient Greek houses featured simple, rectilinear forms, with columns and pediments playing a prominent role...
greek acheivement The Ancient Greeks became the first civilized people in a place where frankly early civilization just shouldn\'t have taken place. The Mycenaeans arrived in modern Greece around 200 B.C. There they found a dry, hot, and harsh mountainous terrain muck like the conditions found...
Priests at the temples and the paterfamiliae in private homes, who usually made sacrifices with their heads covered, made sacrifices during Saturnalia with their heads uncovered in the ritus Graecus, the ‘Greek fashion’. Perhaps the most well-known, and looked-forward-to tradition for some, w...
This is one of the first mixed marriages of Greek Mythology and the lesson learned from it still applies today. They do invite everyone. . . except Eris, the Goddess of Discord. In other words, instead of facing the problems brought on by a mixed marriage, they turn their backs on them...
The Chinese traded through the Silk Road and the Greek traded with a plethora of different countries. Thedifferencebetween Ancient China and Ancient Greece, however, was the fact that China was more internally focused with their trading. The Chinese traded silk, jewelry, leather goods, spices, an...
Greek and Roman Massage The Romans: Baths, Massage and Pleasure Christianity, the Fall of Rome and The Death of MassageThe Messiah: Constantine the GreatSin, Sexual Repression and ChristianityThe Dark Ages: An Evil Unsurpassed in Human History...
Egyptian architecture greatly influenced Greek sculpture and architecture. During the Ancient Egyptian period, wood was scarce, and the most dominant architectural materials were sun-baked mud brick and stone, such as limestone. Sandstone, granite, and marble were also used in great quantities. During...
The one-upping found in Shaduppum’s collection of tablets didn’t even stop at Mesopotamia’s borders, for it extended all the way to the Greek realm, delivering the two bombshells I’m going to talk about now. Now, even if you used math class (or history) as nap time, the names...
by Menes (Mena), king of the southern kingdom, who seized Lower Egypt and built the fortress “White Walls” (Greek, Memphis), which became the capital of Egypt in the 28th century B.C. With the unification of Egypt, the so-called Dynastic Period of Egyptian history begins. (Until the...
Explore the profound influence of ancient Egypt on Greek culture. Learn how Egyptian religion, art, archi... 11 December, 2024 ETP Team Read More Ancient Eg... Ancient Egyptian Gardens Explore the significance of gardens in ancient Egypt, from royal estates to everyday plots. Learn about t...