Greek mythology reached its greatest flowering in the second millennium B.C., when the Olympian pantheon of gods acquired its final form. They dwelt on “snowy” and “many-ravined” Olympus and were subordinate to the authority of one god, Zeus, “the father of men and gods.” Each Olym...
It was believed that the family of Greek gods lived in a cloud palace above Mount Olympus (the highest mountain in Greece). These gods were thought to have special powers, and each had control over a different aspect of life. Many of them also appear in the tales ofGreek mythology. Zeus...
Ancient Roman Gods|ancient roman religion|The Gods of Rome and Politics|Christianity in Ancient Rome| Ancient Roman Gods|List of Roman Gods|roman mythology|goddess(picture) |Goddess Clothing|greek and roman gods| roman gods:asclepius|Hercules Mythology|temple of hercules|Roman God Janus|god jupiter...
Greek mythology reached its greatest flowering in the second millennium B.C., when the Olympian pantheon of gods acquired its final form. They dwelt on “snowy” and “many-ravined” Olympus and were subordinate to the authority of one god, Zeus, “the father of men and gods.” Each Olym...
“When all that belonged to man had been carried away from Veii, they began to remove from the temples the votive gifts that had been made to the gods, and then the gods themselves; but this they did as worshippers rather than as plunderers. The deportation of Queen Juno to Rome was ...
Greek Gods Cult >> Hephaestus Cult HEPHAISTOS CULTGreek Name Ἡφαιστος Transliteration Hêphaistos Latin Spelling Hephaestus Translation Vulcan Hephaestus-Vulcan, Greco-Roman marble statue C2nd A.D., Ostia Antica HEPHAISTOS (Hephaestus) was the Olympian god of fire, metalworking and ...
- Ancient Greek Museums - Ancient Greek Monuments Each Site, Museum and Monument is supported with: - Historical Data - Pictures of the Site, Museum, Monument - With one button click, GOOGLE MAPS are opening for you and the maps are focusing straight to the point of the Site, Muse...
The subjects of his poems, which were composed in the Aeolic Greek dialect, were of various kinds: hymns to the gods; martial or political comment, sometimes quite personal; and lastly love-songs and drinking-songs, the kind of poetry that would be read aloud at a symposium. Alexandrian ...
The Gods Command You to Have a Good Time! The rule of Saturnus was thought to be a mythological ‘golden age’ for Rome, and this festival harkens back to that. It honours Saturn who was the chthonic (of the earth) Roman god of seed sowing, who was often equated with the Greek god...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods Cult >> Artemis Cult >> Page 2 ARTEMIS CULT 2Greek Name Αρτεμις Transliteration Artemis Latin Spelling Artemis Translation Diana Artemis-Diana, Greco-Roman marble statue, Capitoline Museums ARTEMIS was the Olympian goddess of hunting and wild animals...