HERMES TITLESGreek Name Ἑρμης Transliteration Hermês Latin Spelling Hermes Translation Mercury HERMES was the Olympian god of the herds, trades, athletes and heralds.This page lists his cult titles and poetic epithets.ENCYCLOPEDIA HERMES TITLESAC...
33 Hermes Immediately after he was born,Hermes was appointed godof thieves at Olympus.And a thief he became when he was barely a few hours old.Feeling hungry,the infant left his cradle after nightfall to hunt for food.He chanced uponApollo's oxen grazing on a meadow and drove a number ...
Hermes (赫耳墨斯)-the god of travel,transportation,sports and more.Hermes is the son of Zeus.He sends messages between gods and men.In artwork,he is a handsome young man without beard. Artemis (阿尔或弥斯)一the goddess of animals,young girls,child birth and more.Artemis is the daughter o...
he is a seriousmiddle-aged man with a strong body and dark beard(胡须).Hermes(赫耳墨斯)—the god of travel, transportation, sports and more. Hermes is the son of Zeus. He sendsmessages between gods and men. In artwork, he is a handsome young man without beard.Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯)—...
Hermes- Hermes' main role was as a messenger. As the special servant and courier of Zeus, Hermes had winged sandals and a winged hat and bore a golden caduceus, or magic wand, entwined with snakes and surmounted by wings. He conducted the souls of the dead to the underworld and was bel...
A hat used for traveling, the petasos was made of felt or straw and had a chin strap, so that when not in use it could be hung down the back. The winged hat of the god Hermes (or Mercury) was also called a petasos.This article was most recently revised and updated by Amy Tikkan...
In a different room of the school, the team discovered another text composed by a teacher telling students to bring their rhetorical skills up to the level of several deities, including the ancient Greek god Hermes. It also urged the students to work hard. "Be bold, my boys; the great go...
funerarycultand the care of the dead; hence, he was reputed to be the inventor ofembalming, an art he first employed on the corpse of Osiris. In his later role as the “conductor of souls,” he was sometimes identified by the Greco-Roman world with the GreekHermesin thecompositedeity...
The collection is incomplete; it contains major hymns to Demeter, Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite but only short pieces to Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Ares; the opening hymn to Dionysus is severely mutilated at the beginning. (See also Homer.)...
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 28. 6 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "There are [in the sanctuary of the Erinyes in Athens] images of Plouton [Hades], Hermes and Ge (Earth), by which sacrifice those who have received an acquittal on the Areopagos."...