Greece has had a troubled relationship with Turkey over the island of Cyprus, which has a large Greek population. Cyprus is divided into Greek and Turkish areas, and is monitored by the United Nations to make sure neither country starts a fight over the island. Greek people and culture Tradit...
A large part of Ancient Greece were individual islands in the Aegean Sea, west of the Greek mainland. Greece was surrounded by water on three sides by the Ionian, Mediterranean, and Aegean Seas. How did geography affect ancient Greece? Greece was very mountainous and occupied numerous islands....
Key Facts & InformationGREEK MYTHOLOGYGreek mythology was used to explain the environment, the natural phenomena and the days, months, and seasons. Myths were also connected to religion and explained the origin and lives of the gods, where humans had come from, and where it was going after ...
Greek ‘myths’ (short for mythology) are a series of stories about the Gods and magical beings of Greece. We’ll bet you’ve heard of some of the famous – and infamous! – characters already, such as Heracles, (the strongest man on Earth) Zeus, (the God of the sky and king of ...
Ancient Greek Architecture influenced the succeeding era of architecture and is preserved and used all over the world.
Greek Nature FactsAt one time most of Greece was forests, but many of those have disappeared as they were cut down for firewood, lumber and to make room for farms.Most of the country was forested at one time. Over the centuries, the forests were cut down for firewood, lumber, and to ...
Greek Civilization: Timeline, Facts & Contributions Athens vs. Sparta in Ancient Greece | History, Differences & Wars Geography of Ancient Greece Lesson Plan Agean Sea Location & Definition Ancient Greece Unit PlanCreate an account to start this course today Used by over 30 million students world...
The Greek philosopher Herodotus called Egypt "the gift of the Nile." The ancient Egyptians divided their calendar according to the Nile, with the first season being inundation, the second was for growing, the third for harvesting. Stones of all types were found in the deserts and mountains of...
The evidence for the annalistic tradition shows that the Roman histories written during the 2nd century bc were relatively brief resumes of facts and stories. Yet in the course of the 1st century bc Roman writers were increasingly influenced by Greek rhetorical training, with the result that their...
Magna Graecia, group of ancient Greek cities along the coast of southern Italy; the people of this region were known to the Greeks as Italiotai and to the Romans as Graeci. The site of extensive trade and commerce, Magna Graecia was the seat of the Pytha