1.由第二段 Growing up in Sparta meant learning to become a soldier.…… While the Spartan boys were learning discipline(纪律), boys in Athens learned reading, writing, and even music.可知,斯巴达的男性从小就被训练成为军人,所以接受正规教育很少。 2.由第三段Boys in Athens served in the army ...
In ancient Greece,Athens and Sparta shared the same language and customs, but Spartans and Athenians led very different lives. Growing up in Sparta meant learning to become a soldier.At seven,boys were sent to special schools.These schools wanted to make the boys brave soldiers.While the Spart...
Athens and Sparta in Ancient Greece In the ancient world, Greece was not a unified country. Rather, it was made up of different territories called city-states. A city-state has the size and characteristics of a city, but acts as though it is its own country. Greek city-states created ...
Learn about ancient Greece and its social system, including structure, social classes, and hierarchies. Discover the primary differences between...
These schools wanted to make the boys brave soldiers.While the Spartan boys were learning discipline (纪律), boys in Athens learned reading, writing, and even music.可推断出,在斯巴达男孩们受的教育很少,主要学习纪律。故选A。 由第四段首句Both Sparta and Athens had an Assembly, which was a ...
【题目】阅读理解In ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta shared the same language and customs, but Spartans and Athenians led very different lives.Growing up in Sparta meant learning to become a soldier. At seven, boys were sent to special schools. T hese schools wanted to make the boys brave ...
Ancient Greece essays Ancient Greece, being literally on mountains, or mostly rocky terrain, was mostly made up of city-states, but even though they were all part of Greece, they weren't all the same. Other city-states such as Corinth, Argos, and Megara,
As the two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta, because of their different systems, fought for their own national interests most of the time, but united against the Persian invasion, students learned about the history of t...
Athens and Sparta H-SS C.O.: IWBAT compare and contrast the daily life of Athens and Sparta by completing a thinking map. L.O.: IWBAT distinguish the Athenian lifestyle form the Spartan lifestyle. Do Now: Create a bubble map in order to describe the city-state of Athens based on th...
1. 《战争瘟疫:雅典、斯巴达与古希腊之争》l The Plague of War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Ancient Greece2. 《罗马帝国的诞生》l Rome's Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire3. 《主宰西方:罗马与迦太基的战争》l Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War...