so successful West African leaders tended to be peacemakers rather than warriors. Caravans from North Africa crossed the Sahara beginning in the seventh century of the Common Era. Traders exchanged gold for something the West Africans prized even more: salt. Salt was used as a flavoring, a food...
A single amaranth plant produces hundreds of seeds and can be grown in a wide variety of climates and countries from India, China, Southeast Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean. Growing amaranth has also provided a degree of economic independence for indigenous farmers in Guatemala and the US,...
D. with camel-caravans, stimulated especially by the gold of Far-West Africa, evidence is emerging of earlier exploitation of other metals, perhaps connected with horse (and cart?) transport. At two localities on the southern Saharan edge there was copper mining and smelting around the mid-...
No name brings ancient Africa to mind more than Timbuktu, a great city that flourished on a bend in the Niger River for more than four hundred years. Timbuktu was at the end of the camel caravan route that linked sub-Saharan Africa to North Africa and Arabia. Gold, ivory, and kola nuts...
Only after Alexander the Great and the ascension of the Ptolemies to the throne of ancient Egypt late in the 4th century bc were the trade routes to Punt opened to the Greeks. Thereafter, manuals of navigation were compiled and depots were constructed along the coast, where ivory, skins, ...
Kush’s position athwart the trade routes from Egypt to theRed Sea, and from the Nile to the south and west, brought considerable wealth from far-off places. Moreover, itscultivatedareas along the Nile were rich, and in the hills thegoldand emerald mines produced bullion and jewels for Eg...
Ancient Egypt in North Africa was one of the most powerful and influential civilizations in the region for over 3,000 years.
There's no doubt that ancient Egyptians had a voracious appetite for gold. Descriptions of the metal appeared in hieroglyphs as early as 2600 B.C. By 1500 B.C., gold had become the recognized medium of exchange for international trade. The source of this gold was Nubia, or Kush, a sub...
trade; beads; glass; pigments; provenance; Africa; Asia; Mediterranean world1. Introduction: Overview of Glass Production History We present here the first review of research conducted on trade beads from African sites covered in the literature and discuss about all identification methods for ...
Gold and iron were the most common resources the ancient Nubians traded with the Egyptians. These similarities facilitated an easier connection for Egyptians with the rest of Africa. The Nile River: Trading was one of the major activities in ancient Egypt...