The economy of the ancient Assyrian Empire included crops, livestock, and building projects. Learn about the Assyrian Empire and Assyrian agriculture and irrigation, taxes and tributes, trade, and resource allocation. The Assyrian Empire Before 1270 BCE, Assyria was just a small trading community ...
The Roman economy was one of the most advanced and complex economies of the ancient world. It was based on a combination of agriculture, trade, and manufacturing, and was characterized by a sophisticated system of taxation, currency, and banking. On this page, we'll explore the history and ...
In this lesson we discover key parts of the ancient Egyptian economy. This includes its trading practices, tax system, and the measurements it used...
The Early Dynastic Period was a time when Egypt's government formed and built the society’s foundations. The pharaohs establishedtradewith the Sinai, Palestine, Lebanon, Nubia and the Eastern Desert. Writing helped the Egyptian state organize and the pharaoh was Egypt's ultimate authority. © ...
Animal mummification was commonplace in ancient Egypt, with the remains of many animals placed inside statues or votive boxes with representations of animals or hybrid human–animal creatures. Votive boxes were made from a variety of materials and often sealed; some boxes are still preserved in this...
The coined money had a crucial impact on the domestic economy and the trade, which expanded greatly in Roman times. Ancient Egyptian Coins Design & Symbolism Before Ancient Egypt started officially using coins as their official currency in 500 BC, the Egyptians used a system of value based on...
and flows northward throughout the length of what are now Sudan and Egypt. Northwest of modern-day Cairo, it branches out to form a broad delta, through which it empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Because of seasonal rains farther south in Africa, the Nile overflowed its banks in Egypt eve...
It is commonly believed (and seemingly supported by tangible evidence to an amateur) that soon after the dog (ur-gi in Sumerian) was first domesticated, the dog collar was developed in Egypt. But, as with a lot of things, it is actually ancient Sumer where that took place. Archaeological...
Only after Alexander the Great and the ascension of the Ptolemies to the throne of ancient Egypt late in the 4th century bc were the trade routes to Punt opened to the Greeks. Thereafter, manuals of navigation were compiled and depots were constructed along the coast, where ivory, skins, ...
Egypt In ancient Egypt: Egypt as a province of Rome Eurasian Steppe In the Steppe: Domination by the Parthians Five Good Emperors In Five Good Emperors Frisians In Frisian: Roman and Frankish periods Gaul In France: Gaul under the high empire (c. 50 bce–c. 250 ce) Hadrian In Hadrian ...