Your Guide to Ancient Egypt - Discover the facts about the pharaohs, king Tut, gods, mummies, pyramids, hieroglyphs, daily life, religion, and more.
One of the most important jobs were scribes, or educated men who could read and write. Common people held jobs, such as farmers or builders. Their diet consisted of many of the same foods we eat today. Read Daily Life in Ancient Egypt | Facts & History Lesson ...
Peasant life in ancient Egypt was not always enjoyable. Most peasants made their living off the land throughagriculturalmeans. Grain, particularly wheat, was a staple crop of life in ancient Egypt. As a result of few grazing lands and the expense of meat, most peasants subsisted off a diet ...
Ancient Egyptian Mummification Process, Facts & Purpose Uncover the secrets of the ancient Egyptian mummification process, an embalming technique that removes al... 19 December, 2017 ETP Team Read More Ancient Eg... Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Read more about how daily life in ancient Egypt wa...
The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt Queen Hatshepsut | Luxor | Egypt Tutankhamoun King | Ancient Egypt Kingdom King Ramses II: Facts, Accomplishments, Life and Death Greco-Roman Period Behind the Throne: Exploring ...
Facts about Ancient Egypt 1. The pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built to serve as tombs for the dead pharaohs, who were the rulers of Ancient Egypt, as well as their family. Archeologists have been able to uncover more than 130 different pyramids. ...
Facts about Ancient Egypt 1)Most Ancient Egyptianpyramidswere built as tombs forpharaohs(rulers of Ancient Egypt) and their families. To date, over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. 2)The afterlife was incredibly important to the Egyptians. They believed that by preserving a dead person...
Egypt inCairo,Alexandria,Luxor, &Aswan. Their entire life focused on the worship of the ancientEgyptian gods and goddesseswhich became an integral part of their daily lives. Ancient Egypt had over 1500ancient Egyptian deitiesthat each represented and controlled an aspect of the environment and had...
Everyday Life for a Commoner in Ancient Egypt The people of ancient Egypt had many jobs such as craftspeople, scribes, priests and priestesses, farmers, and soldiers. The average girl married at around the age of 12. Daily bathing was common in the Nile River, where deadly hippopotami lived...
Some pharaohs even had lions and cheetahs as pets. Regardless of whether the animal was viewed as a sacred one or not, the Egyptians respected animals and their importance to their survival. RELATED ARTICLES Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Cats in ancient Egypt facts...