Indian Education System in Ancient IndiaCharu Sethi
the square of the hypotenuse (斜边) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In the Western world, it is known as the Pythagorean theorem (毕达哥拉斯定理). The earliest record of this theorem dates ...
Being recognized among the cradles of human civilization, ancient China nurtured the longest continuous academic traditions and humanistic spirits, which continue to impact today’s society. With an unprecedented large-scale corpus spanning 3000 years, t
Despite Iran’s longstanding reputation for sustainable water management, the country currently faces mounting water-related challenges caused by population growth, industrial development, urban sprawl, lifestyle changes, climate change, territorial conf
Two problems emerged when the central government planned to establish a table spatial control system in ancient China. The first was “where” should be controlled in order to achieve a holistic and systematic spatial governance pattern. For the central government, when military power and ...
Around 4000 BCE, the earliest town in Mesopotamia grew into the city of Uruk. Development of Hierarchies in the City of Uruk Properly caring for large populations required complex administration, forming a hierarchical system with rulers and an elite class, building roads, establishing laws, and ...
Math, literature, and philosophy were among the many subjects taught to youngsters because of their high regard for education. Furthermore, the Carthaginians built magnificent docks, aqueducts, and defensive walls, earning them a reputation as master engineers. ...
high school boy through school by sending funds for his education to his local priest, he said that His Church and fellowship would take over and help him go through school, which he did. We thank God for him in our lives and will cherish the memory of his jubilant smile. God Bless ...
Several buildings included in the project were classified as Class I, that is, their location, identification, and design were known highly accurately; the designs are being used in archaeology and other fields, such as education and architecture, as representations of more than just their ...
This, in turn, led to poverty. Crop production declined, trade was affected, and Persia was not able to progress in the areas of science and education. All these factors led to the fall of the Achaemenid Empire. 6. The Battle of Salamis ...