Furthermore, Galil also stated: “this is not just a curse. It is actually a legal text, not just a legal warning.” Van der Veen also is of the same mind: “It is a legal verdict about an unknown person or group who are addressed in the inscription.” This too is quite a leap...
and by the way justice here is personified in the form of the goddess calledDike. She follows before us weeping to thepolisand the gatherings of people. She puts a dark mist upon her and brings a curse upon all those who drive her...
derives from the Bible (Hebrews 5:6), while the term "Elect Lady," applied to Emma Smith in D&C 25:3 and said by at least one critic to have been used in a French Masonic order that admitted women into special lodges, is also biblical (2 John 1:1). In...