A couple of years ago, I traveled to northern India to a place overlooking the plains of Bangladesh where the Khasi people live in a forest that receives more rainfall than anywhere else on earth. And during the monsoon season, travel between villages is cut off by these floods, which tran...
Hunting gave way to farming, guaranteeing vital survival supplies with less risk attached. The first evidence of the domestication of cattle, goats, sheep and pigs was found in the ‘Fertile Crescent;’ a region covering eastern Turkey, Iraq and south-western Iran from about 12000 years ago. T...
所有最早的文明 And all of the earliest civilizations, 城市 政hearts;府hearts; cities, governments, 都来自这个地区 come from this region. 在21世纪 NARRATOR: In the 21st Century, 暴hearts;力hearts;和破坏达到了前所未有的程度 the violence and destruction have reached an unprecedented level, 但是...