level.dat, or bydrag&droppingthe level.dat file into your browser window.Level.datis a small file located in the folder of every Minecraft savegame. You can find the savegames in thesaves folderof your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use%appdata%\.minecraft\savesto get to ...
Lush Falls into Ancient City Dripstone City beneath Meadow Mountain Many Mountain Cities Mountain Tunnel to Ancient City Skulk City Two Mountain Cities Quadruple-City Mountain Ancient Dwarven City Best Minecraft Java Ancient City Seeds If you're a spelunker with a wild side, you'll enjoy uncovering...
指令也找不到远古城市..最近刚回坑MC,想看看深暗之域和远古城市,在网易最新版本开了5个世界,用指令/locate ancientcity 都会显示“此维度中未找到有效结构”,不知道为什么,不知哪位大佬能为我指点迷津?
Description (THIS PROJECT IS PAUSED FOR THE MOMENT, IF CONTINUED, YOU WILL FIND IT HERE:https://www.curseforge.com/members/caneswonderfulaccount/projects) This Project is paused as I've lost 99% of the mod, It might be continued in the future so keep an eye out The Ancient World is ab...
How to use a cheat to find an Ancient City If manually locating the ancient city in Minecraft 1.20 within the deep dark biome is too tricky, you can always use a quick cheat to find the spot. Just use the /locate command to be given the city's location. Specifically, you'll want to...
Alternatively, players can also use the “/locate” command to find the structure instantly. To do this players should press T to open chat then type “/locate structure minecraft:ancient_city” and either teleport directly there by clicking on the coordinates, or navigate there by using the ...
/setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:structure_block{mode:"LOAD",name:"ancient_city/city_center/city_center_1"} /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:structure_block{mode:"LOAD",name:"ancient_city/city_center/city_center_2"} /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:structure_block{mode:"LOAD",name:"ancient_city/city_cente...
11回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧1.19实验性快照:Ancient City水下摄影 只看楼主收藏回复 田中兔 林中小屋 6 看着太好看了,我认为在水下溶洞里更能体现遗迹的古老神秘与危机四伏 送TA礼物 回复 1楼2022-02-18 12:58 wjdj_ 终界呼唤 12 好 回复 来自Android客户端2楼2022-02-18 13:13 手...
00:00/00:00 【Minecraft】如何攻略古代之城?(AncientCity)这里有必胜法! 探索游戏世界发布于:北京市2022.07.04 07:04 +1 首赞
Minecraftwas an attempt to fill the void after we reached the end of the plains biome. But after all the work we did in that world my daughter and I started back in the day, I feel like I might have worn outMinecraft. It always feels like I am redoing things I’ve already done....