The practice of foot binding began in the 900’s by female Chinese entertainers. Tightly wrapped bandages gradually break the foot’s arch, forcing the heel and toes to grow inward toward each other. This also caused the leg muscles to atrophy and become very thin, but it was seen as high...
For more than a thousand years in ancient China, we had foot-binding for most females, that is, using binding strips to wrap the feet of young girls tightly to prevent further growth for the sake of beauty. And now people think it’s a morbid tradition. Morbid it is, but are we now...
投稿類別:英文寫作類 篇名: FootBinding- BondageofAncientChineseWomenintheFeudalSociety 作者: **麗。天主教嘉義市立仁高級中學。綜二丁 郭柏慶。天主教嘉義市立仁高級中學。綜二丁 指導老師: 廖素惠老師 1 FootBinding-BondageofAncientChineseWomenintheFeudalSociety I.Introduction Myhomeroomteacher’sgreatgrandmo...
A Membership Categorization Analysis of the Waco Siege: Perpetrator-Victim Identity as a Moral Discrepancy Device for 'Doing' Subversion This paper seeks to build on previous work on the doing of politics as a members' practice. More specifically, it seeks to add to the growing work on perpe....
The Tang dynasty was responsible for introducing a harmful tradition, foot binding. The practice forced Chinese women to bind their feet tightly in order to modify their shape and size. The result was commonly known as “lotus feet.”
The appearance of clogs gave the ancients a choice of summer sandals. The practice of ancient and modern clogs is similar and relatively simple. They are punching holes on the wooden floor and weaving holes through the rope. But ancient wooden clogs have many squares, and the left and right...
They were practitioners who provided a wide range of services and were specially trained for bleeding practice. Barbers had patients grip a rod tightly, causing their veins to swell properly: bleeding was induced by leeches, while blood dripped onto linen bandages. The bandages used were hung on...
and archery. Swimming was not a popular sport in China because of the belief in the type of ghost known as theShui Gui, the spirit of a person who had drowned who waited in the water to drown someone else in order to be set free. The Chinese did practice swimming but it was not a...