See our color map of ancient Silk Road with different routes as well as major cities along the Silk Route within section of China
The Silk Road is the most well-known trading route of ancient China. Trade in silk grew under the Han Dynasty (202 B. C.—220 A. D.) in the first and second centuries A. D.1. A At first, the Chinese traded silk within the country. Caravans (旅行队) from Chin a would carry si...
Silk Road (丝绸之路)refers to the ancient trade route(路线) starting from ancient China and connecting Asia, Africa and Europe. Usually it can be classified into Northern Silk Road on the land, Southern Silk Road on the land and Silk Road on the sea. What we usually talk about ***y is...
Northwest China's Gansu Province was an important passage along the Silk Road. Its time-honored cultural relics and ancient architecture, scattered like pearls along the route, showcase its historical prosperity. In museums, artifacts on display include not only silk from China but also artifacts f...
Silk Road History 1st Century Silk Road Route Map Photo by:WikipediaCreative Commons The Silk Road history is a fascinating story that is full of adventures, of military conquests, lonely explorers, pilgrims and great thinkers alike, and the humble everyday tradesmen who risked their lives, or ...
The display panel here presents a map of the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The Ancient Tea Horse Road was opened during the Tang Dynasty and remained a key transportation route connecting Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, and India until the Republic of China.在茶马古道上,马匹和茶叶都是商品。唐朝时期,藏区...
丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是我国古代(ancient times)一条连接中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路(route),由于这条商路以丝绸贸易为主,故称“丝绸之路”。作为国际贸易的通道(channel)和文化交流(cultural exchanges) 的桥梁,丝绸之路有效地促进了东西方经济文化交流和发展,对世界文明进程(the progress of the world ci...
The Silk Road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia,West Asia,Africa, and the European continent. It appeared as early as the second century and(1) ___ (travel) mainly by silk merchants. The Silk Road began in Chang'an(present-day Xi'an),(2) ___ (...
Furthermore, the Roman Empire was also engaged in trade with the Far East, including China. This commerce was conducted via the Silk Road, an overland trade route network that linked the Roman Empire to China. Silk, a highly coveted commodity, was imported from China through this network. S...
Acclaimed as the "greatest route in the history of mankind", the ancient Silk Road (300 BC - AD 100) formed the first bridge between the East and West and was an important vehicle for trade between ancient empires of China, India, Persia & Rome. Dating back 100 BC, the route was a ...