China's history dates back thousands of years and includes numerous wars and battles. Learn about the ancient Chinese soldiers, leaders, and means of warfare in this lesson. Bombs Bursting In Air Every Fourth of July, Americans light off fireworks to celebrate our country, but did you know th...
We will makewestward expansion for kidscome alive for kids as they learn facts about the time period from about 1783-1898. In addition to learning about the Oregon trail, pony express, gold rush, transcontinental railroad, students will also learn to match animal trails, map the united states,...
Learn about the ancient Roman calendar. Explore the months and days of the week, who had the authority to change the calendar, and how the Roman...
withcolorfulpaintedsurface,theedgeoffireworks,and cattledriveside.NotthinkZhuGeliang'sterrified,thehelp, didnotdaretochase,ZhuGeliangtogetalotoffoodaneasy jobtodo.Somagicaltransportationatthattimecanbemade andthevastingenuity,poetryChansaid:"theswordoffthe ...
5. Sun Tzu (544 BC–496 BC, China) Sun Tzu, Chinese military general, war strategist, and author of The Art of War, completely changed the way war was fought in ancient times. The Art of War has been studied by many military commanders, nations, and intellectuals and has remained the...