History of China Emperor Throne in Forbidden City, Beijing Timeline of Chinese History (Click to enlarge) Chinese History Chronology Dynasty Period Founder Capital Prehistoric Times1.7 million years ago - the 21st century BCrecorded leaders include Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun...around the Yellow River...
Chinese History here provides you China timeline in chronological order with detailed information about the ancient Chinese Dynasties such as the Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Qing.
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The discovery of the Shu Ape, a monkey that lived in China during the Middle Eocene Epoch 4.5 to 4 million years ago and weighed just 100 to 150 grams, presented a significant challenge to the hypothesis that the human race originated in Africa. The Shu Apefossil, which serves as a “mi...
Farming communities began to expand and consolidate centralized government which then became the first dynasty of China. Between 2070 and 1600 BCE, the Xia Dynasty existed with Yu the Great as its founder. It is believed that he worked for long years to control the flooding of the Yellow River...
(center of government) there. For almost a century thereafter the city functioned as the capital of a widening empire stretching from what is nowSpainto the borders of present-dayChina—the most far-reaching of any achieved in Islamic history. The principalextantmonument of this period is the...
Longshan culture, Neolithic culture of central China, named for the site in Shandong province where its remains were first discovered by C.T. Wu. Dating from about 2600 to 2000 bce, it is characterized by fine burnished ware in wheel-turned vessels of an
)Genghis Khan was an orphaned child who grew up in one of the world’s most inhospitable climates despised by his tribe and family. He assembled an empire that conquered China, Iran, the Abbasid Caliphate, Russia, and Eastern Europe, and successfully united both ends of the Silk Road....
)Genghis Khan was an orphaned child who grew up in one of the world’s most inhospitable climates despised by his tribe and family. He assembled an empire that conquered China, Iran, the Abbasid Caliphate, Russia, and Eastern Europe, and successfully united both ends of the Silk Road....
Established over 3,000 years ago, Beijing is one of the four ancient cities of China. Beijing history information including timeline and facts of ancient Peking historical events over the past over 3,000 years.