纪录片《远古外星人 Ancient Aliens》又被译为《古老外星人》或者《来自远古星星的你》是一部欧美科幻纪录片,主要讲述远古洞穴壁画中奇异的生物,秘鲁的飞机跑道遗迹,和印第安文字中所描述的“神的飞行器”这些反常的考古文物只是一小部分被von Daniken引用作为远古外星宇航员早已被我们的祖先所熟知的例证。 《远古外星...
《远古外星人 第六季 Ancient Aliens Season 6》于2013-09-30上映。是由Robert Clotworthy执导, 演员Robert Clotworthy主演的《远古外星人 第六季 Ancient Aliens Season 6》是一部纪录片, 历史, 奇幻类型电影。 第六季(播出目录) (2013) Season 06 https://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/season-6 ...
Ancient Aliens《远古外星人(2009)》第十二季第十五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,乔治?A?索卡罗斯:考古学家在中国发现了洞穴系统 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: Archaeologists discovered cave systems in China. 在这些洞穴里 他们发现了数以百计的圆盘 Inside those caves, the
Ancient Aliens《远古外星人(2009)》第十一季第十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,俄hearts;罗hearts;斯hearts;可能是这个星球上的 GEORGE NOORY: Russia may be one of the areas on this planet 从一开始就有大量令人难以置信的UFO活动的地区 that has been ladened with i
Alien Treaty: Did Former US President Eisenhower Meet With Aliens Three Times? October 10, 2024 123…169Next News 5,000 Years Ago, Ancient Egyptians Sailed to America and This Could Be The Evidence July 9, 2024 Unexplained If You Travel Through A Black Hole, Where Do You Wind Up?
外星人ancienthearts远古第十八aliens 失踪时间的离奇描述 NARRATOR:Extraordinaryaccountsofmissingtime. 布鲁斯•格农:一旦飞机穿过隧♥道♥ BRUCEGERNON:Oncetheaircraftpenetratedthetunnel, 时间瞬间改变 timestartedchanginginstantly. 飞行100英里只花了3分20秒 Itonlytookthreeminutesand20secondstoflyahundredmiles. 超...
Since the 1960s, a growing contingent of people believes ancient civilizations were contacted by extraterrestrial beings who provided humanity with the knowledge and skills needed to create civilization. According to the Ancient Astronaut Theory, aliens built grand monuments, left behind artifacts, and ...
humanoid shapeshifted Dragon that is either law enforcement, or astral projecting rapist?? As described above, dragons evolved the abilities of fire-breathing and flight (and super shrieking I gues??). Their sorcerous talents are many, as their culture and Empire developed over millions of years...
Helots) and from aliens (metics). Membership in the city-state assured to fully enfranchised citizens the right to own land and slaves. Depending on the extent of the victory of the farmers and craftsmen over the clan aristocracy, the constitution of the city-state was oligarchic (as in ...
Helots) and from aliens (metics). Membership in the city-state assured to fully enfranchised citizens the right to own land and slaves. Depending on the extent of the victory of the farmers and craftsmen over the clan aristocracy, the constitution of the city-state was oligarchic (as in ...