Ancient Aliens《远古外星人(2009)》第十二季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我觉得很酷的是 What I think is cool is that 我们能看到屏幕上发生的一切 were watching all this stuff thats happening here on the screen, 但我们现在看着乔普拉博士 but were looking at
沃纳?冯?布劳恩把这种执着 看作是让公众分享他太空探索梦想的机会 Wernher Von Braun viewed this fixation as his opportunity to get the public to share in his dream of space exploration 并启动了一项将科幻小说变成科学事实的计划 and initiated a plan to turn science fiction into science fact. 1952年...
48、整个地区有4000多块石头The entire region has over 4,000 stones.当然,是我们的人类祖先移♥动♥了这块石头And, of course, it was our human ancestors who moved that stone.并不是外星人移♥动♥了这块石头It was not aliens who moved the stone.但有人告诉我们的祖先为什么...
been in contact with some advanced beings, maybe even extraterrestrials who, 实际上 它被创造成一种电脑磁盘 in fact, created the disk as a sort of computer disk, 或者某种信息磁盘 or some kind of an information disk, 以后可以被后人破译 that would be able to be deciphered at a later date....
Sifting Ancient Fact from Modern Fiction; Alison Jones Discovers the True Genius of the Ancient Egyptians at an Exhibition Aiming to Quash Some of the More Extreme Hollywood TheoriesByline: Alison Jonesere the pyramids the work of aliens? WAre the tombs of the Pharaohs cursed? And why would ...
Ancient Aliensis some of the most noxious sludge in television’s bottomless chum bucket. Actual experts are brought in to deliver sound bites that are twisted and taken out of context while fanatics are given free reign. Fiction is presented as fact, and real scientific research is so grossly...
It becomes ever more apparent that the possible answer of "Have aliens visited in the past?" could be a potential yes. => “外国人过去曾经访问过”的可能答案越来越明显了。可能是一个潜在的是的。 Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial...
Government cover-up. Perhaps governments are either aware of extraterrestrial visitors to earth or are actually in contact with aliens, but have covered this up from the general public. Lack of interest. They may be too busy with other affairs, or too different from us, to have any interest...
For example, can we explain the building of the Pyramids without the need to invoke ancient aliens? Yes. There is a clear progression of technologies in the archaeological record. We don't need to wonder how the stone was quarried, or shaped, or even transported to building sites; we know...
A third reason could be that fantasy and science fiction themes are not mutually exclusive, and some MMORPGs combine or replace elements of both genres to create hybrid settings that appeal to a wider audience⁵. For example, some MMORPGs feature spaceships, aliens, and robots alongside swords,...