于是在国外被发明了一个新的名词,叫“祖先钱”(ancestor money),成为地下的硬通货币。新事物的出现起先一般都会受到一些怀疑,毕竟人家自古都有属于自己的本土文化信仰。但是由于人死后多数也是火化的,所以烧东西也算有一定道理。直到后来一些勇于尝试的人,还贴出了神奇的反馈分享经验。有说烧完祖先钱后中彩票的...
Mumba Benji - Ancestor Money (Explicit)
禁售冥币一定要慎重。 天地银行的钱有不少是出口美国和欧洲的,老外称作「ancestor money」,一叠要6~12美元。Tiktok上有不少教学视频,教老外怎么烧、用什么蜡烛,都有严格规范。 我们在这一领域有绝对的话语权,金融界称之为大兴安岭森林体系。 冥元霸权,要学会利用,搞不清楚,可以学学美元。 所以考虑到地府金融市场...
ancestor money老外给冥币起的名字再翻译成中文是祖先钱的意思,简单明了。 我百度用中文冥币翻译成英文是:paper made to resemble bank notes and burned as offerings to the dead 纸钱是:Paper money 都还没改过来~ 百度知道,2014年和2019年答案是不同的 然后我用抖音搜一下子就GET到了 网页链接...
Ancestor Money - 400 Piece Chinese Joss Paper Money - Ancestor Money to Burn - 10,000,000,000,000,000 Dollar Hell Bank Notes?Origami Paper Add $9.99current price $9.99Ancestor Money - 400 Piece Chinese Joss Paper Money - Ancestor Money ...
甚至有人會在吵架時說燒 (陰司錢、紙紮品) 給對方。 不過意想不到的是,這些由「冥通銀行」、「天地銀行」等發行的冥幣居然在外國熱門起來。在外國還為其給予了專用的名詞 - ancestor money (祖先錢),還有 joss paper、ghost money、spirit money、hell money 等...
45 sheet/sheaf Ancestor Money Traditional Chinese Joss Paper Money The Qingming Festival Burning Paper Sacrifice Articles Set 4.4 26 ReviewsColor: 1000 DenominationProduct sellpoints Variety: 5 Kinds for Pick,Available in 10, 20, 50, 100, and 1000 denominations, tailoring to diverse offerings. Custo...
大开眼界区|美国的冥币😂玉皇大帝还是个歪果仁……😂 文化输出ancestor money 来自: 博物馆君🌎 2020-06-24 13:41:47 已编辑 这个太好笑了,在费城一个中国超市看到的 天地银行美国分行🌚🌚哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈所以玉皇大帝是个歪果仁没毛病?? “Hell Bank Note”哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 这是富兰克林吗哈哈...
Define ancestor worship. ancestor worship synonyms, ancestor worship pronunciation, ancestor worship translation, English dictionary definition of ancestor worship. n. the veneration of ancestors whose spirits are frequently held to possess the power to
1. Chinese Joss paper & Ancestor money are the product of the mysterious power of the East, Joss paper can express their grief for loved ones, but also can bring you great good luck, and even can help you rise and make a fortune. Many foreigners gave Ancestor Money to th...