Test takers of all ANCC exams will be given the results of their exam on site. If a passing score was achieved, a test taker’s certification start date will be the date the exam was completed. For those who do not pass the ANCC, exams can be retaken after 60 days have passed from...
How to Pass Your ANCC Certification Exam, using our easy step-by-step ANCC Test study guides, without weeks and months of endless studying... Dear Friend, On a beautiful late spring afternoon, this past year, a young woman received the devastating news. She had just gotten back her resul...
States that the ANCC has introduce new case management certification exams for hospitals with Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO). Comments from Carolyn Lewis, PhD, RN, director of the American Nurses Credentialing Center; Details on the components of the exam; What are the eligibility requirements...
Preparing for the ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner Board Certification (FNP-BC) exam requires a comprehensive, strategic approach. The ANCC FNP-BC Mastery Prep 20…
Interested nurses can enhance their skills and knowledge by downloading this application and make a career for themselves in this discipline. Any nursing graduate or diplomate. This Application is not dedicated for a specific professional certification, it’s just a tool to assist students & professio...