苤蓝又叫王蔓青、直莲、芥蓝头,是甘蓝的一种,学名叫球茎甘蓝。苤蓝是介于大头菜和包心菜之间的蔬菜,叶片光滑鲜嫩,茎膨大成球形,有明显的叶痕,外皮绿、白或紫色,春秋两季栽培。苤蓝可以拿来清炒也可以凉拌生食,记得我小时候,每年冬天,家里都会买些苤蓝回来,尤其是在以前食物匮乏的年代,冬季来 ...
韩彩hancai 马上咨询 品牌信息 [品牌名称]:韩彩 hancai [品牌类型]:内衣品牌 [品牌风格]:家居服 调整型内衣 美体内衣 男士内衣 [公司名称]:韩彩(福建)内衣有限公司 [地 址]:福建泉州省市南环路1033-1041号 公司主页品牌新款内衣频道内衣商机内衣资讯服装资讯新品订货把握商机 ...
Dongfang Ancai Refractories is a production of zirconium corundum bricks, fused zirconium corundum bricks, fused casting refractories-based enterprises
Henan Ancai Hi-tech Co., Ltd. engages in the research & development, manufacturing and sales of color picture tube bulbs, color display bulbs, energy saving lamps, new electronic special glass products, new display technology products and photovoltaic glass. It also engages in the natural gas tr...
Henan Ancai Hi-tech Co., Ltd. engages in the research & development, manufacturing and sales of color picture tube bulbs, color display bulbs, energy saving lamps, new electronic special glass products, new display technology products and photovoltaic glass. It also engages in the natural gas tr...
600207 Henan Ancai Hi-TechCo.,Ltd. Watchlist 4.59 +0.07+1.55% Not Open Mar 14 15:00 CST 5.00BMarket Cap-34.51P/E (TTM) 4.63High4.46Low185.35KlotVolume4.52Open4.52Pre Close84.67MTurnover1.70%Turnover RatioLossP/E (Static)1.09BShares6.0152wk High1.66P/B5.00BFloat Cap3.3452wk Low4.97Limit ...
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