I ordered a Anbernic RG35XX a month ago, the payment process was easy, I'm very satisfied with the product itself so far, it's of good production quality and the software and the games are running smoothly and without any problems. Shipment time took as long as they said on their part...
About minuirg35xx-plusrg35xx-hrg35xxsprg28xx Activity 41stars 1watching 0forks Releases4 Version 10 (2024-06-24)Latest Jun 25, 2024 + 3 releases
RG35XX and Miyoomini: thanks to the pico-8 wrapper for onionos I reworked it a bit so I added support for native Pico8, just copy Your licensed copy of pico8_dyn and pico8.dat (get them from raspberry pi download pack) in the folder /mnt/sdcard/Tools/(rg35xx or miyoomini)/Pico...