Digestive System Word Bank 29個詞語 quizlette68787190 預覽 Discomfort of Suspected Cardiac Origin 21個詞語 Parasitic62 預覽 Menstrual cycle 老師35個詞語 croissantberry4 預覽 Chapter 8 Joints, 9 muscles, 6 bones 162個詞語 schwabj1 預覽 Hip, Pelvis, and Lumbar Spine 98個詞語 koebyB 預覽 A&P ...
, pl. hippocampi (hip'ō-kam'pŭs, -pī) [TA] The complex, internally convoluted structure that forms the medial margin of the cerebral hemisphere, bordering the choroid fissure of the lateral ventricle, and composed of two gyri (Ammon's horn and the dentate gyrus), together with their...
such as crossing the legs so that the ankle rests on the knee of the opposite leg; sitting cross-legged; or looking at the sole of one's foot. In fact, the name sartorius (from the Latin word for "tailor") and its nickname, the "tailor's muscle," are derived from the common mot...
Encyclopedia WikipediaEncyclopediaA A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close applied anatomyAlso found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. Related to applied anatomy: Descriptive anatomyThesaurus...
hip 12個詞語 baileyjohnson20 預覽 anatomy quiz 1 20個詞語 ryleesandiford 預覽 Cranial nerves 12個詞語 audreyallen2021 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 excitability, conductivity, contractility, extensibility, elasticity 選擇正確的詞語 1 how many skeletal muscles are in the human ...
This deep fascia of the leg is called the crural fascia (crural is derived from the Latin word crus, meaning leg). The crural fascia is the distal continuation of the fascia lata.Vessels Superficial circumflex iliac artery Arteria circumflexa iliaca superficialis 1/4 Synonyms: Arteria ...
Basic Medical Terms | Acute vs Chronic, Diagnosis & Word Roots from Chapter 1/ Lesson 6 34K Learn about basic medical terms. Discover what a medical diagnosis is with examples, and examine the differences between acute and chronic medical terms. ...
Sacroiliac, weight-bearing synovial joint that articulates, or connects, the hip bone with the the sacrum at the base of the spinal column. Strong ligaments around the joint help to stabilize it in supporting the weight of the upper body; the joint’s mo
7_ 女性人物的画背_灰度级_ 关注屁股, 大腿, 双腿, 臀部和背部(7_ Painting back of female figure _gray-scale_ Focus on butts, thighs, legs, hip and back) IDWORD女孩-女性形象融合III -绘画女性身体教程(iDRAWGiRLS - Female Figure Fusion III - Painting Female Body Tutorial) 1_ 草图和赋值基本...
1_ 艺术家正面和轮廓的基本女性解剖学(1_ Basic Female Anatomy for Artist Front and Profile) - 大小:16m 目录:IDWORD女孩-女性形象融合II -女性身体教程 资源数量:165,原画UI_photoshop,iDRAWGIRLS_手绘合辑全16部.part1/IDWORD女孩-女性形象融合II -女性身体教程/1)