Depending on the area of the bleed, various treatments are available since the blood will either run out of the nose in an anterior case or down the throat in a posterior case. Rhinitis Rhinitis is another clinical term and its simple name is a stuffy nose. An inflammation causes nasal ...
This term refers to the radiolucency found just below the CEJ on the root due to anatomical variation or a gap between the enamel and bone covering the root It can appear similarly to caries Sinus pneumatization The continuous physiological process that causes the paranasal sinuses to increase ...
As the term visceral is often a synonym for autonomic (nervous system), note that general visceral nerves carry autonomic nerve fibers to/from the target organs. The exception to this are the special visceral efferent nerves, sometime described as branchial efferent (BE). These are motor nerves...
Term chapter 6 cardio 31個詞語 salmonlove87 預覽 Brain + spinal cord 78個詞語 julia_havice 預覽 Board Prep - Organs 49個詞語 jamberg7 預覽 cranial nerves 老師12個詞語 up510 預覽 PSYC 3010: Test 1 49個詞語 spookied_ 預覽 Lab 11- senses 18個詞語 vanessa_sch3 預覽 Fetal Neural Axis Abno...
... John Lyly published his curious romance, "Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit," a work which attained a great popularity, and made the word Euphuism an abstract term in the language to express the ornate and antithetical style of which this book is the most marked example. In Lyly's ...—...
bio 211 mid term 82個詞語 selenaberardi 預覽 NUR332 PPT 10/25 Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Exam 3 71個詞語 Beka1123 預覽 Bio. Ch. 26.3: Pharynx 9個詞語 gvillanueva744 預覽 Lab practical 5 (muscles, Innervations, vessels) 老師183個詞語 Javym16 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 ...
A neuron’sdendritesare numerous branching cellular extensions. The term “dendritic tree” is used metaphorically to describe this general form and structure. Most of the input to the neuron comes from here via the dendritic spine. The soma’s diameter can be tens, hundreds, or even thousands...
Term:Nose Corresponding Part:Deck Description:The nose is the front kicktail of your skateboard. It is usually slightly broader than the tail. Term:Tail Corresponding Part:Deck Description:The tail is the back kicktail of your skateboard. It is usually slightly smaller than the nose. ...
The Enigmatic Nose of Moose �Artiodactyla: Cervidae: Alces Alces - Clifford, Witmer - 2004 () Citation Context ...r than the others and is known as the interalveolar margin (Evans and Christensen, 1979:147). The term may be applied to any mammal in which there are diastemata between ...
in humans, another name for horizontal plane of division that divides the body into a superior and inferior parts Intracellular Fluid the fluid inside the cell Midsagittal a plane that divides a body along the midline into equal left and right sides Distal a directional term that means farther ...