This is one of the best shoulder anatomy videos around. Once you have a better understanding of the anatomy of the shoulder then you can start to explore what might be wrong with it. Shoulder Anatomy The shoulder is a very complex structure. This accounts for the reason why the shoulder ca...
Other chapters consider the surface contours and skeletal landmarks of the shoulder and arm. This book discusses as well the condition of spina bifida, which is accompanied by anomalies of the spinal cord. The final chapter deals with several diagrams showing the radiographs of the larynx, the ...
When presented with a chest X-ray, the first thing one should do is try to determine the view, that is, the positions of the patient and machine and thus the trajectory of the rays relative to the patient. Chest X-ray can be:
The large bones of the arm include: Humerus: This bone runs down from the shoulder socket and joins the radius and ulna at the elbow. Radius: A forearm bone, it runs from the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist. Ulna: This forearm bone runs from the elbow to the “pinkie” side ...
ShoulderAnatomy ThisisanaxialT1MRIimageatthetopoftheshoulder.Allstructureslookdarkbecauseoffatsuppression.WeusefatsuppressionwithT1imagesbecauseforthisstudyweinjectedcontrastintothejoint.FatsuppressioniscommonlyusedaftercontrastisgivenonMRItoincreasetheconspicuityofthecontrastmaterialasyouwillseeonlaterimages.Thisisalower...
Shoulder Region Upper Arm Anterior Forearm Posterior Forearm Hand Nerves Brachial Plexus Axillary Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve Median Nerve Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Vessels Arterial Supply Venous Drainage Lymphatics Lower Limb Areas Adductor Canal Femoral Canal Femoral Triangle Foot Arches Popliteal Foss...
The shoulder blade is a flat bone with threeangles–the upper (superior), bottom (inferior) and lateral (glenoid) angle– and threeborders–the superior, lateral (axillary) and medial (vertebral) border(Picture 3). On the back side of the shoulder blade, at about two-thirds of its height...
Anderson A, Werner FW, Tucci ER, Harley BJ. Role of the interosseous membrane and annular ligament in stabilizing the proximal radial head. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2015 Dec:24(12):1926-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2015.05.030. Epub 2015 Jul 17[PubMed PMID: 26190665] ...
DOI: 10.13418/j.issn.1001-165x.2015 Abstract (484) Save Objective To compare the difference of damage inflicted on the blood supply to the scaphoid by retrograde and anterograde screw placement technique through cadaveric study, thus providing anatomical basis for the optimal approach of nail ...
Haemorrhage from a tubal abortion can also irritate the subdiaphragmatic peritoneum, which can cause referred pain to the shoulder region via the phrenic nerve.Sources All content published on Kenhub is reviewed by medical and anatomy experts. The information we provide is grounded on academic ...