(Oleaceae) show that dioecy has three separate origins; in one instance, dioecy evolved from hermaphroditism via androdioecy following the transition from insect to wind pollination [45, 86]. Dioecy may also evolve in conjunction with the evolution of wind pollination in some previously insect-...
In that year, Section 4(1)(a) of the Immigrants Regulation Act began to be used selectively against Eastern European Jewish immigrants. The article pays attention to the following topics: places of origins and places of settlement of the Jewish migrants; their language, Yiddish; their education...
The first human dissection performed for this purpose in Mexico is credited to Juan de Correa and Andreas Martinez de Villaviciosa, who dissected an executed criminal in 1646 CE, while medical teaching and anatomical dissection in the United States of America began in the 18th century CE, in ...
Chicken is known to be a descendant in Southeast Asia of the Indian red junglefowl, and it is an ancestor of the popular domesticated chicken. It backs to at least 2000 BC when domestication first began, and these are called Gallus domesticus. They were first used for the sport of cockfig...
The origins of William Hunter's town house at 16 Great Windmill Street, Westminster, began with a petition to the First Lord of the Treasury, the third Earl of Bute, requesting a piece of land on which to build a 'great school' of anatomy. Hunter believed a school dedicated to the scie...
When I was in high school, I used to go through a pack of gum every day. I would chew and chew and chew and chew until, finally, my mastication muscles gave up the ghost and began exhibiting some pretty awful pain, followed by extremely limited jaw movement (I couldn't open my mouth...
Hellboy’s origins were originally fairly mysterious. His appearance clues you in immediately to his demon heritage, but the causal fan might be unaware that while his father was a demon, his mother was actually a witch. It was eventually revealed that sixteen-year-old Sarah Hughes sought to ...
E. Gray, Origins and evolution of stomatal development, Plant Physiology, 174(2), 2017, 624–638. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.00183 5. B. J. J. Crandall-Stotler, & S. E. E. Bartholomew-Began, Morphology of Mosses (Phylum Bryophyta), Flora of North America North of Mexico, 27, ...
We began with a sectoral analysis of exporting activity. HGXs are present in various sectors, but are more prevalent in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and ICT. Tradeable sectors such as manufactur- ing are associated with R&D investment and produc- tivity growth (Coad & Vezzani, ...
Break down of enzymes.Acetylcholine, which began the process of muscle contraction, is broken down to acetic acid and choline by enzymes present on the sarcolemma; for this reason, a single nerve impulse produces only one contraction; the muscle cell relaxes until stimulated by the next round of...