The uterus is a pear-shaped organ made up of a fundus, body, isthmus and cervix. The fallopian tube enters at each superolateral angle, above which lies the fundus. The cervix is gripped by the vagina to form a supra-vaginal and a vaginal part. The uterine canal traverses the internal...
The uterus can lie in different positions in different people. The positioning can be described based on the tilt of the uterus as well as the position of the fundus. The positions of the uterus include:2 Anteverted:The uterus tilts forward at the cervix, pointing towards your abdomen. This...
THE UTERUS The uterus varies considerably in size, shape and weight depending on the status of parturition and estrogenic stimulation. The uterus is a fibromuscular organ that can be divided into the upper muscular uterine corpus and the lower fibrous cervix, which extends into the vagi...
Explore the anatomy, structure and functions of the cervix, and understand its key role in reproduction and childbirth.
Understanding the Cervix: What is Its Significance? What is the Function of the Cervix? Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions Where is the cervix of a woman? The cervix is part of the female reproductive system. It is located between the uterus (womb) at the top and the vagina (birth...
Vagina anatomy Vagina anatomy this image shows the vagina of the female pelvis in relation to the surrounding organs this is a side view of a vertically sectioned pelvis showing: 1. fallopian tube 2. ovary 3. uterus 4. cervix 5. rectum...
图1-6各种母畜的生殖器官1.ovary(卵巢)2.oviduct(输卵管)3.Uterinehorn(子宫角)4.cervix(子宫颈)5.rectum(直肠)6.vagina(阴道)7.bladder(膀胱)(左上:cow,右上:mare,左下:sow,右下:ewe)OrgansofFemalereproduction 1.Sexualgland--Ovary2.Genitaltract--OviductUterusVagina3.External...
Picture of Vagina The vagina is part of the female reproductive system. It is the canal that is flanked by the vulva and labia on the outside of the body and the cervix of the uterus on the inside. A thin membrane called the hymen covers the opening to the vagina. The tissue may be...
Functionally, it facilitates menstruation, sexual intercourse and childbirth. The vagina is located posterior to the urinary bladder and urethra, and anterior to the rectum. The upper end of the vagina is attached to the cervix of the uterus. These structures form a pouch (vaginal fornix) which...
The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, the place where a baby grows during pregnancy. The cervix has a small opening that expands during childbirth. It also allows menstrual blood to leave a woman's body. Your healthcare provider may perform a Pap test during your health checkup to...