Triceps Anatomy The anatomy of the tricep muscle is shown in the diagram. The long head of the triceps runs down the back and inside of the upper arm. The lateral head is located on the outside of the upper arm, and the medial head lies between the other two....
The main function of the biceps femoris is to flex the knee and also rotate the tibia laterally. The biceps femoris also curls the leg back. Gluteus Maximus Muscle (The Glutes) Also known as the glutes, the butt, or the behind, the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body. Th...
What type of cartilage makes up the pinna of the ear? Elastic What is a cartilage cell called? Chondrocyte What is a muscle cell called? muscle fiber What are the major minerals found (stored) in bone? - Calcium- Phosphorus Give three uses for phosphate in the body Adenosine triphosphatepho...
In Anatomy of Stretching, he brings the lessons learned in ten years as a trainer to celebrities and professional athletes and the star of Bravo’s Thintervention to everyone. You’ll learn when and how to do a tricep stretch and a shoulder stretch, when to avoid toe touches and hamstring...
the ___ of a muscle is typically attached to a more movable part on the other side of the joint insertion when the forearm is extended at the elbow joint, the ___ muscle acts as the agonist tricep brachii the forearm is flexed at the elbow when the ___ muscle contracts bicep brachii...
When you are ready to submit your test please go to our website at: On the left side of your screen you will see a blue, vertical bar with a list of options; click on “Administration” and then click “Correspondence Course Answer Sheets.” Choose the title of the test that you are...
-closed bag of lub -elongated bursa around tendon joint stability factors -articular surfaces *least important -ligaments *more=stronger -muscle tone *most important synovial movements -gliding -angular -rotation gliding -synovial movement -1 bone cross surface of another ...