Anatomy of the ScapulaIdeal scapular function reflects its complex anatomy and in turn is foundational for all shoulder function. The scapula plays a multitude of roles. Anatomically, it is the "G" of the glenohumeral (GH)doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53584-5_1Trevor Wilkes...
Detailed anatomy and morphometry of the scapula were obtained to provide information for surgical procedures such as hardware fixation, drill hole placement, arthroscopic portal placement, and prosthetic positioning. Twenty-six measurements were made in 15 pairs of scapulas from cadavers. The average len...
It was also found that smallest superoinferior diameter (2 mm to 7 mm) of the spine was located at the middle portion between the base and ridge along the whole spine. On the lateral border of the scapula, the posteroanterior diameter of bone was relatively greater for the upper portion ...
Two clinical cases led to an examination of 700 scapular dry bone specimens in an effort to understand variations in anatomy of possible relevance to the of a painful . The medial superior border and the inferior pole of the scapula respectively displayed areas of bony variability that appeared ...
图形1 - Human anatomical atlas of the shoulder : axial slice of T1 weighted MRI with all anatomical structures labeled 图形2 - MRI of the shoulder : muscles of the rotator cuff labeled on a sagittal MR slice. 图形3 - 3D model of the gleno-humeral joint : anatomy of the scapula, ...
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Picture 1. Scapula location: on both sides of the upper back, under the muscles Scapula Anatomy Picture 2. The right scapula from the front and back side The shoulder blade is a flat bone with threeangles–the upper (superior), bottom (inferior) and lateral (glenoid) angle– and threebor...
Anatomy of the ShoulderThe two main bones of the shoulder are the humerus and the scapula (shoulder blade). The joint cavity is cushioned by articular cartilage covering the head of the humerus and face of the glenoid. The scapula extends up and around the shoulder joint at the rear to ...
The Inferior Nasal Concha The Vomer The Mandible (Lower Jaw) The Hyoid Bone c. The Exterior of the Skull d. The Interior of the Skull The Extremities a. The Bones of the Upper Extremity The Clavicle The Scapula The Humerus The Ulna The Radius b. The Hand The Carpus The Metacarpus The...
Superior border of the scapula Central tendonCentral tendonDiaphragm: Anatomy: deep cervicalfasciaFasciaLayers of connective tissue of variable thickness. The superficial fascia is found immediately below the skin; the deep fascia invests muscles, nerves, and other organs.Cellulitis(clavicleClavicleA bone...