The lining of the uterus (endometrium) is the source of the blood and tissue shed each month during menstruation. After an egg released from an ovary has been fertilized, the resultingembryoimplants in the uterus and fetal development begins. The uterus stretches exponentially to accommodate a gro...
The genital tract of a female dog is a bit more involved than that of a male, as it is made up of the oviducts (or Fallopian tubes), uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva. The ovaries and uterus are connected by the Fallopian tubes.Each ovary is connected to a Fallopian tube, as these...
Ovaries: Overview of ovary form and function. Testes: Overview of testes form and function. Reproduction and Development General Resources The Human Reproductive System: Overview of human reproduction. Elephant Reproductive System: Diagrams, images, and description of elephant male and female reproductive...
Teratoma’s often sell to young women who have had one found on there ovary, a very common place for a teratoma. From Wikipaedia “Teratomas belong to a class of tumors known asnonseminomatousgerm cell tumor(N.S.G.C.T.). All tumors of this class are the result of abnormal development...