Neck Anatomy Hyoid Bone Thymus Cardiovascular Medicine Vascular Anatomy of the Head and Neck Ear Disease Ear Anatomy Cochlea External Ear Tympanic Membrane Hematology and Oncology Lymphatic Anatomy of the Head and Neck Laryngeal Disease Larynx Anatomy Throat Disease Mouth Anatomy ...
There is a description of the hard tissue foundation as well as the soft tissues of the face from superficial fat compartments to superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), retaining ligaments, mimetic muscles, and deep plane, including the deep fat compartments. Whether the plan of rejuvenation...
between the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle. The SMG has a smaller anterior lobe and a larger posterior lobe. The lobes are connected in the posterior free edge of the mylohyoid muscle. The main excretory duct, referred...
The Royal College of Surgeons basic surgical anatomy course is a comprehensive journey through the head and neck. It provides gems of knowledge about key landmarks and danger areas, and the impeccable standard of teaching and flow of anatomy are both enjoyable and educational. Anyone with an ...
The throat runs from the pharynx at the top down to the upper part of the oesophagus. Next to the pharynx are the epiglottis, then the larynx, oesophagus and finally the trachea. Basically, the throat starts from behind the nose and runs down the neck. ...
less, not push up against the skin of the neck, and ultimately be less visible. In both sexes, regardless of the angle, the primary function of the Adam’s Apple is the same as that of the thyroid cartilage it comprises, to protect the vocal cords immediately behind and inferior to it...
(1910), Stereoscopic anatomy of the head and neck. Prepared and edited by professors d. j. cunningham and david waterston of the university of edinburgh, professor matthew h. cryer, of the university of pennsylvania and dr. frederick e. neres, of denver, sections i, ii, and iii. imperial...
brownish-red gland located in the visceral compartment of the anterior region of the neck.Thyroid Gland: AnatomycartilageCartilageCartilage is a type of connective tissue derived from embryonic mesenchyme that is responsible for structural support, resilience, and the smoothness of physical actions. Peri...
The cardiovascular apparatus is a transport circuit that carries blood cells, oxygen and nutrients to cells of the body’s organs, and wastes produced by working cells to their final destinations (mainly lungs, liver, and kidneys). It is involved in both mass and heat transfer.This...
of the neck. This muscle runs anterior to the common carotids and is a typical muscular landmark during neck surgery. The strap muscles, also known as the infrahyoid muscles, are composed of four paired muscles – the sternohyoid, the sternothyroid, the omohyoid, and the thyrohyoid. These...