Posterior Knee Joint Kapsules Anatomical View Skeletal SystemAnatomy Note-January 30, 2025 The posterior aspect of the knee represents a complex arrangement of ligaments, menisci, and bony structures crucial for joint stability and function. Understanding these posterior elements is essential for healthca...
Figure 1 - Labeled cross-sectional anatomy of the mouse on micro-CT Figure 2 - Mouse - Thorax - CT: Heart, Trachea, Bronchi, Right lung, Left lung Figure 3 - Mouse - CT: Liver, Left lateral lobe of liver, Caudate lobe, Right lobe of liver, Figure 4 - Mouse - Anatomy atlas ...
1. Quadriceps: These are the major extensors of the knee and are composed of four muscles: –Vastus lateralis: The largest of the quadriceps, it extends from the top of the femur to the kneecap. –Vastus medialis: A teardrop-shaped muscle of the inner thigh that attaches along the femu...
Axis Scientific Human Knee Joint with Functional Ligaments Anatomy Model Best Seller Axis Scientific Retail Price $78.00 Today's Price $66.00 Urinary Tract Laminated Anatomical Chart Anatomical Chart Company Retail Price $24.99 Today's Price $19.99 Hand and Wrist Anatomical Chart Anatomical Cha...
Designed to help you quickly learn or review normal anatomy and confirm variants, Imaging Anatomy: Knee, Ankle, Foot , by Dr. Julia R. Crim, provides detailed anatomic views of each major joint of the lower extremity. Ultrasound and 3T MR images in each standard plane of imaging (axial, ...
A study companion with labeled images and cross sectional anatomy modules Numerous (ungraded) quizzes, organized by body section, that teach radiology and anatomy in the context of pathology. Though de-identified, these are real cases with real patients, most of which were seen across the street...
Tendon bursae help minimize friction between the tendon and adjacent bony structures (seeImage. Medial View of the Knee). Bursae are small serous vesicles situated where bony protrusions might compress and cause friction on tendons, potentially leading to wear and tear. Examples are the subacromial...
Condyle:Refers to a large prominence that provides structural support to the overlying hyaline cartilage. Condyles bear the brunt of the force exerted by a muscle about a joint. Examples include the knee, a hinge joint uniting the femoral lateral and medial condyles with the tibial lateral and...
2-3 Types of muscle tissue 2-4 A neuron. 2-5 A synapse 3-1 The integument and related structures. 3-2 The integumentary derivatives (appendages) 3-3 A bursa--the simplest serous cavity 4-1 A mature long bone (femur) 4-2 A "typical synovial joint"--diagrammatic 4-3A Ante...
Synonyms: Acetabulofemoral joint, Hip , show more... Now that you know all about the upper extremity, it makes sense to move a bit further south to learn about the lower extremity. Ever had a broken leg? Fractures and tendon injuries of the leg, knee and foot are commonly seen so the...