目标:100!chapter5:liver,gallbladder,pancreas P46 13:01 结束消化系统!chapter6: additional terminology in GI tract P47 09:02 天呐,终于可以开始泌尿系统学习了chapter6: additional GI system terminology P48 04:11 家人们,我总觉得时间过的好快。。。chapter7:the functions of urinary system P49 ...
Below the pancreas, a definite mesentery extended between the ascending and descending colon in the abdominal cavity. In the other 11 specimens, the descending colon passed through an opening of normal size and ran posteriorly along the urinary bladder, so the entire ilium, ascending colon, and ...
Anatomy of the Throat, Esophagus & Stomach 6:32 6:52 Next Lesson Anatomy of the Intestines, Pancreas, Gallbladder & Anus Ch 25. The Urinary & Endocrine Systems Ch 26. The Brain & Nervous System Ch 27. The Muscular System Ch 28. The Skeletal System & Connective... Ch 29. Sight,...
🔸️LUQ = lower margin of the spleen, part of the pancreas and some of the stomach and duodenum.🔹️LLQ = bowel loops and the descending colon.Bowel sounds are made by the movement of the intestines as they push food through....
tongue- the tongue of certain animals used as meat tripe- lining of the stomach of a ruminant (especially a bovine) used as food chitlings,chitlins,chitterlings- small intestines of hogs prepared as food haslet- heart and liver and other edible viscera especially of hogs; usually chopped and...
Parts of the food that can't be liquified are released from the stomach and ushered through the intestines to be eliminated. Small intestine Made up of three segments—the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum—the small intestine is the workhorse of digestion. This is where most nutrients are absorbed...
Parts of the food that can't be liquified are released from the stomach and ushered through the intestines to be eliminated. Small intestine Made up of three segments—the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum—the small intestine is the workhorse of digestion. This is where most nutrients are absorbed...
Each component in a level is assembled from the more basic components of a lower level. Thus, each higher level in the hierarchy represents an increase in organizational complexity. For example, the digestive system constitutes organs such as the stomach, liver, pancreas,small intestines, andlarge...
PURPOSE/AIM The duodenum can play a key role in the pathway of disease spread between the peritoneum and retroperitoneum. The purpose of this exhibit is to describe and illustrate the relevant anatomy, pathology and pathways of disease spread encountered during cross-sectional imaging evaluation of ...
Pancreas Produces important hormones and digestive enzymes Spleen Part of immune system that cleans blood Small intestines Digestion and absorption of nutrients Stomach Temp. reservoir for food and digestion of food Testes Production of sperm and reproductive hormones ...