Overview of the anatomy and functions of the heart. Heart (right lateral view) The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood around the body by circulating it through the circulatory/vascular system. It is found in the middle mediastinum, wrapped in a two-layered serous sac called the ...
the anterior cardiac veins 心前静脉 the posterior interventricular artery 后室间支 that capillary bed 毛细血管床 the coronary sinus 冠状窦 the tricuspid valve三尖瓣 the chordae tendineae 腱索 the papillary muscles 乳头肌 scar tissue 瘢痕(疤痕)组织 the foramen ovale 卵圆孔 the fossa ovalis 卵圆窝...
Ho SY (2002) Anatomy of the mitral valve. Heart 88 Suppl 4:iv5–iv10Ho SY. "Anatomy of the mitral valve." Heart. 2002 Nov;88 Suppl 4:iv5-10.Ho, S. Y. (2002). Anatomy of the mitral valve. Heart, 88: iv5-iv10.Ho SY. Anatomy of the mitral valve. Heart 2002;88 Suppl:i...
Ascending Aorta:initial part of the aorta that begins from the aortic valve and extends from the left ventricle of the heart to the aortic arch. Coronary Arteries:arteries branching from the ascending aorta to supply oxygenated blood to the heart wall. The two main coronary arteries are the rig...
Anatomy, function and location of the tricuspid valve. Right atrioventricular valve Valva atrioventricularis dextra 1/4 Synonyms: Tricuspid valve, Valva tricuspidalis Understanding heart valves anatomy is important in grasping the overall function of the heart. The heart is one of the most importa...
Valves are flap-like structures of the heart that allow blood to flow in one direction. Below are the four valves of the heart: Aortic valve: Prevents the backflow of blood as it is pumped from the left ventricle to the aorta. Mitral valve: Prevents the backflow of blood as it is pumpe...
Explore the anatomy and core functions of the heart with Innerbody's interactive 3D model. by Tim Taylor Last updated: Jan 22nd, 20252D Interactive NEW3D Rotate and Zoom Anatomy Explorer Heart Aortic Valve Bundle Branches Chordae Tendineae Interventricular Septum Left Atrium Left Auricle Left Ventri...
Anatomy of the heart 热度: Developmental anatomy of the heart and the embryological basis for 热度: The Rotator Interval A Review of Anatomy Function and - UHasselt肩袖间隙的解剖,功能和审查,uhasselt 热度: ExtraCreditAssignmentforCardiovascularSystem ...
Anatomy of the Human Heart essaysThe heart is a hollow muscular organ. It is located between the lungs approximately in the middle of the chest. It is positioned in the thoracic cavity between the sternum and the vertebrae. It was placed there meticulous
The apex of the heart also corresponds with the location where the sounds of mitral valve closure are most prominent. This is known as the apex beat. This spot aligns with the area on the thoracic wall where the heartbeat can be auscultated. The apex beat may sometimes provide critical ...