HeartAnatomyHeartAnatomyCoronaryArteries,Veins&CoronaryArteries,Veins&LymphaticcomponentsLymphaticcomponentsSalahTarabshehSalahTarabshehCoronaryarteriesCoronaryarteries Thecoronaryarteries&theirbranchesformaThecoronaryarteries&theirbranchesformacircle&looparoundtheheart.circle&looparoundtheheart. Coronary=encirclinglikeacrown....
serous membrane 心肌层Myocardium 中层Middle layer 工作心肌Working muscle of heart 心内膜Endocardium 最内层Innermost layer Lines myocardium 心包Pericardium 心包腔Pericardial Sac 内含少量浆膜液Small amount of liquid Left Atrium Left Ventricle 纤维骨架 纤维骨架 分离心房和心室 为心脏瓣膜提供框架 心脏瓣膜 (房室...
3、包Pericardium 心包腔Pericardial Sac 内含少量浆膜液Small amount of liquid Gross Structures of the Heart Right Atrium Crista Terminalis IVC Coronary Sinus Fossa Ovalis Tricuspid Valve SVC Triangle of Koch Right Ventricle Tricuspid Valve Papillary Muscles Septum Purkinje Fibers Pulmonic Valve Pulmonary Trun...
Heart Anatomy
Posteroanterior radiograph (Mediastinum) The transverse diameter of the heart should not exceed half the width of thoracic cage. On deep inspiration, when the diaphragm descends, the vertical length of the heart increases and the transverse diameter is narrowed. ...
系统解剖学英文版教学课件:Introduction-systemetic anatomy.ppt,Welcome to Human AnatomyCongratulations! Human anatomy is a basic medical science regarding structures of human body.The study of human anatomy can be divided into two subjects: systematic ana
Heart Diagram 18806 156 Food Web Diagram 11966 154 Leaf Cross Section 7803 127 Eye Diagram 7647 142 Lab Equipment Worksheet 7335 153 Solar System 6218 142 Lab Equipment Uses Worksheet 5634 145 Animal Cell Diagram 5468 143 Stomata Diagram
1 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart Anatomy 2 Heart Anatomy Approximately the size of your fist Location Superior surface of diaphragm Left of the midline Anterior to the vertebral column, posterior to the sternum 3 Heart Anatomy 4 Coverings of the Heart: Anatomy Pericardium– a double-walled ...
Heart: Muscular, hollow organ “Pump” of the body Weighs <l pound, size of a closed fist Located in the mediastinal cavity (between the lungs, behind sternum, & above diaphragm) 3 layers of tissue form the heart: Endocardium Myocardium Pericardium ...