Additions and changes in the description of the anatomy of the finger flexor sheath and pulleys that I published in 1974 and 1975 have prompted me to restudy this system. Sixty-one fresh human cadaver fingers were dissected using the operating room microscope. This study demonstrated a flexor sy...
FINGERSMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnosis of underlying finger pathology can be intimidating due to the presence of unique anatomy. The small size of the fingers and the unique orientation of the thumb compared to the fingers also introduce unique demands on the MRI system and the ...
to touch or feel with the fingers.She fingered the material.manosear ˈfingernailnoun the nail at the tip of the finger.uña ˈfingerprintnoun the mark made by the tip of the finger, often used by the policeetcas a means of identification.The thief wiped his fingerprints off the safe...
English Finger nail, Nail plate of finger, Nails of fingers, Finger nails, Set of nails of fingers, fingernail, fingernails, FINGERNAIL, Fingernail, Nail of finger, Structure of nail of finger (body structure), Structure of nail of finger, Nail of finger, NOS, Finger Nail, Fingernails, Nail...
d.a simple rhythm instrument consisting of two bars of bone, ivory, or wood, held between the fingers and clacked together. 6.the color of bone; ivory or off-white. 7.a flat strip of whalebone or other material for stiffening corsets, petticoats, etc.; stay. ...
2008, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Anatomical variations of the extensor tendons to the fingers over the dorsum of the hand: A study of 50 hands and a review of the literature 2004, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Extensor Mechanism of the Fingers: MR Imaging-Anatomic Correlation...
The pulse is usually felt just inside the wrist below the thumb by placing two or three fingers lightly upon the radial artery. The examiner's thumb is never used to take a pulse because its own pulse is likely to be confused with that of the patient. Pressure should be light; if the...
Other articles where finger is discussed: aye-aye: …hands are large, and its fingers, especially the third, are long and slender. The species possesses five fingers on each hand and a pseudo-thumb, a distinct bony digit that does not occur in any other
papillary ridges on the ends of the fingers and thumbs. Fingerprints afford an infallible means of personal identification, because the ridge arrangement on every finger of every human being is unique and does not alter with growth or age. Fingerprints serve to reveal an individual’s…Read More...
Anatomy of the Hand: Lingo and soft tissues; The Finger tip; The fingers; Extensor tendons; Flexor tendons; Nerve supply; Intrinsic muscles; Blood supply; and the Thumb Hand and Wrist Injuries: Colles Fracture; Scaphoid Fractures; and Scapholunate injuries Anatomy of the Shoulder: The Rotator ...