GYNANATOMICALSTRUCTURES:REPRODUCTIVESYSTEM FEMALEANATOMY*URINARYANDREPRODUCTIONSYSTEM* GYNECOLOGYTERMS Ovaries–SiteofEggProduction.Fallopiantubes–ConnecttheovariestotheUterus.Fundus–DomeShapedareaatthetopoftheuterus.Infundibulum–sitewherefallopiantubesconnectwiththeovaries.Cervix–Donut-shapedopeningbetweenthe...
The anatomy of the female reproductive system 女性生殖系统解剖课件
女性生殖系统解剖 Anatomy of Female Reproductive System 妇产科教研室 Dept of Obs/Gyn 黄元华 生殖系统 生殖器 相关器官 骨盆和盆底 生殖器 外生殖器 内生殖器 外生殖器(一) 外生殖器(二) 外生殖器(三) 内生殖器 阴道vagina 子宫uterus 输卵管fallopian tube 卵巢ovary 内生殖器——阴道 子宫 穹隆 阴道 ...
The Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System of Microbracon gelechiae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)Narayanan, E SSubba Rao, B R
Human reproductive system - Female Anatomy, Hormones, Reproduction: The female gonads, or sexual glands, are the ovaries; they are the source of ova (eggs) and of the female sex hormones estrogens and progestogens. The fallopian, or uterine, tubes conduc
Understand and learn about the female reproductive system. Learn about and discuss the ovaries, vagina, uterus, cervix, and more female anatomy in...
, and uterosacral ligaments gross anatomy of the female reproductive system image by lecturio. related videos 8:24 anatomy of the ovaries microscopic anatomy microscopic structure of the ovaries ovaries are covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium called the germinal epithelium . tunica albuginea : a ...
The female reproductive organs include the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries (Fig. 1). Their position, size, and anatomic relations vary considerably with age and the physiologic changes of menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Fig. 1.Schema of the female reproductive organs...
The female reproductive system is an intricate arrangement of structures that can separate into external and internal genitalia. The external genitalia comprises the structures outside of the true pelvis, including the labia majora and minora, vestibule, Bartholin glands, Skene glands, clitoris, mons ...
1.The anatomy of the female reproductive system(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课