goal in anatomy, we did not choose a healthy patient where the thin (not dilated) biliary tree may have been difficult to see on MRI, but a patient with dilated biliary tree (intrahepatic ducts and common bile duct) on a choledocholithiasis (gallstone) of the distal common bile duct. ...
Anatomically as well as developmentally, the bile duct could be divided into intrahepatic bile duct (IHBD) and extrahepatic bile duct (EHBD; extrahepatic hepatic duct, gallbladder, cystic duct, and common bile duct) system. Initially, the secreted bile is transported through the apical side of ...
Other articles where pancreatic duct is discussed: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatoscopy: …examine the bile duct and pancreatic ducts for the presence of gallstones, tumours, or inflammation. In this procedure an endoscope is passed through the
The supraduodenal artery supplies the superior, right, and anterior surfaces of the first part of the duodenum, extending into second part. It also variably contributes to vascularization of the distal portion of the common bile duct (Bianchi and Albanèse, 1989). References Bianchi, H. F. and...
images - integrated with expert descriptions of each operative procedure - to provide a clear overview of the exposures, incision sites, surgically relevant landmarks, structures, fascial planes, and common anatomical variants and operative methods that are critical to your success in the operating ...
Base of the Brain Biceps Brachii Biceps Femoris (Short Head) Bile Duct/Common Bile Duct (CBD) Blood Supply of Head and Neck Blood Vessels of the Submandibular Region Body of Mandible – Mandibular Body Bones of Head Bones of Neck Bones of Pelvis ...
The proper hepatic artery is the continuation of the common hepatic artery after it gives rise to the gastroduodenal artery. It courses anteromedial to the portal vein and medial to the common bile duct. Upon reaching the hepatoduodenal ligament, the proper hepatic artery, portal vein and the ...
In salmonids, no crypts have been identified [19], but interestingly, similar structures have been identified in the intestine of the common wolfish (Anarhichas lupus L.) [29]. Stem cell regions, as identified as areas of proliferation in the salmonid gut, are located at the base of ...
of a pair of irregularly shaped quadrilateral bones situated between the frontal bone and occipital bone, which together form the sides of the cranium.Skull: Anatomyperitoneum) and all of the visceral organs (as visceral peritoneum). The peritoneum supports and suspends the organs within the ...