The BioDigital Human is the first cloud based virtual model of the human body - 3D human anatomy, disease and treatment, all in interactive 3D.
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
Anatomy—branch of biology concerned with the study of body structure of various organisms, including humans. Henry Gray The edition of Gray’sAnatomy of the Human Bodyfeatures 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index wit...
培训简介: 1、共“1+5”个级别的分级培训课程,针对性强,学员也可以直接选择合适级别培训,见效快; 2、学费低,并按级别单独收费,培训不达标可不限次重新免费培训,直至达标; 3、一站式培训,从零基础到高级口译课程,满足不同学员的培训需求; 4、全面提高英语,全面使用英语,拒绝聋哑英语; 5、每周各级别培训时长平...
This app combines "Anatomy of the Human Body" (original edition) by Henry Gray with professional human narration. "Anatomy of the Human Body", is commonly sho…
Further, uh, ahead, you’ll find one of these phantasms clinging to the ceiling. It’s also easily dispatched with other means… …but it respawns once you pass, climb the stairs to the upper level, and double back. The design and placement of the horse specter relative to the stairs ...
regardless of their educational or professional background. The course content is delivered through easy-to-follow lectures, detailed visual materials, and interactive quizzes that ensure comprehension and retention. Learners will gain insight into how the human body is organized and how different syste...
The body of the lumbar vertebrae, like that of the cervical vertebrae, is wider in the transverse than the sagittal diameter. The dimensions of the vertebral body have been measured in skeletal populations of several ethnic groups (8, 30, 64, 96). The me
Achilles tendon, strong tendon at the back of the heel that connects the calf muscles to the heel. The tendon is formed from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. It is named after the ancient Greek mythological figure Achilles. Learn about the anatomy a