A well-preserved posterior skull of Deinosuchus rugosus, with an intact braincase, was discovered in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Blufftown Formation in Russell County, Alabama. This new specimen enabled descriptive analysis of the braincase of this primitive alligatoroid and revealed favorable ...
the brain stem.Nervous System: Anatomy, Structure, and Classification. The skull consists of 22 bones divided into the viscerocranium (facial skeleton) and the neurocranium. The neurocranium is further subdivided into the calvarium (the skullcap) and the base of the skull (the cranial fossa)....
A brain structure called the amygdala, and its connections with another region, the prefrontal cortex, shape people’s experiences and social interactions. The discovery of a key molecular mechanism that controls the development of these structures uncovers principles about how cortico-amygdala circuits ...
skull- sphenoid- spinal columnorspinebackbone stapesstirrup sternumbreastbone talusanklebone tarsal- tarsus- temporal bone- tibiashinbone ulna- vertebra- vertebral columnbackbone zygomatic bonecheekbone Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins...
TheHumanBrain:Anatomy,Functions,andInjury MainMenu •BrainAnatomy•BrainFunctions•InjuryMechanisms BrainAnatomyMenu SkullAnatomyInteriorSkullSurfaceBloodVesselsoftheBrainArteriesoftheBrainTheNeuronTheMeningesExternalBrainStructuresTheCerebrumTheCerebrum–TheCortexTheNeocortexLobesoftheCerebrum FrontalLobeTemporalLobe...
The functions of the skull are: 1 To protect the soft tissues of the head, i.e. brain, eye and inner ear 2 To provide attachment for thehyoid apparatus(舌骨器官), which suspends the tongue and thelarynx(喉部) 3 T...
body, interprets information from the outside world, and embodies the essence of the mind and soul. Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are a few of the many things governed by the brain. Protected within the skull, the brain is composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem....
cord. The primary functions of the nervous system are to monitor, integrate (process) and respond to informa-tion inside and outside the body. The brain consists of soft, delicate, non-replaceable neural tissue. It is supported and protected by the surrounding skin, skull, meninges and ...
Model 2: An overview of the interior skull osteological anatomy is demonstrated. Frontal Bone The frontal bone is a large, unpaired bone that starts out developmentally as two halves that fuse together, along the metopic suture. The frontal bone articulates with the right and left parietal bones...
The lobes are named after the bones of the skull that overlie them: The frontal lobe The parietal lobe The temporal lobe The occipital lobe The most caudally located portion of the brain is the brainstem, which consists of three main parts: midbrain, pons, and medulla. Attached to...