a salivary gland inside the lower jaw on either side that produces most of the nocturnal saliva sublingual salivary gland -Produces 10% of total saliva , below the tongue How many sinuses are there? 4 pairs paranasal sinuses air cavities within the cranial bones that open into the nasal cavit...
NeckNeckThe part of a human or animal body connecting the head to the rest of the body.Peritonsillar Abscess: Approximately 5 cm in length Subdivided into 3 regions: the basicervical, midcervical, and subcapital portions Fractures here may lead toavascular necrosisAvascular NecrosisHip Fractures....
About the superior laryngeal artery: pierces through the thyrohyoid membrane, with the internal laryngeal nerve, as it travels to supply the muscles of the larynx Lingual artery Origin from the anterior side of the external carotid artery, near the hyoid bone. Rise along with the facial artery,...
There are three types of glands that open into the vestibule: The greater vestibular (Bartholin's) glands are found on each side of the vestibule. They are homologous to the bulbourethral glands in the male and serve to lubricate the vulva during sexual intercourse The lesser vestibular glands...
The lower leg, or just “leg” in anatomical terms, is the part of the lower limb between the knee and the ankle joint.
The posterior surface of the neck of the femur is directed posterosuperiorly. It is characterized by a longitudinal concavity and a transverse convexity, and the distal portion is located outside of the joint capsule. On the other hand, the anterior surface is flattened, located within the ...
Second, damage to frontal lobe networks occurs in patients whose lesion is outside the frontal lobe; this was the case of patient HM whose medial temporal lobe damage affected part of the uncinate fasciculus, a tract connecting amygdala and hippocampus to the orbitofrontal and lateral inferior ...
8. often heads(used with a sing. verb) The side of a coin having the principal design, often the profile of a political leader's head. 9. Informal A headache: had a bad head early this morning. 10. a. An individual; a person: charged five dollars a head. b. pl. head A singl...
The cervix, which is sometimes called the neck of the womb, is quite firm and lies at the bottom of the uterus. The cervix has a hole in the middle to allow menstrual (period) blood to pass out from the uterus into the vagina. If you put two fingers into the vagina and push upward...
1.the hip or the fleshy part of the body about the hip. 2.a hindquarter of an animal. 3.the leg and loin of an animal, used for food. 4. a.either side of an arch, extending from the vertex or crown to the impost. b.the part of a beam projecting below a floor or roof slab...