shoulderelbowwristfingerhipkneeanklefootSummary The anatomy of the three bones of the shoulder is described. The main shoulder joint takes the form of a ball and socket. Its movements enable the hands and arms to undertake their normal actions, and activity including pushing, pulling, and lifting...
The two main bones of the shoulder are the humerus and the scapula (shoulder blade). The joint cavity is cushioned by articular cartilage covering the head of the humerus and face of the glenoid. The scapula extends up and around the shoulder joint at the rear to form a roof, called the...
The shoulder complex consists of the glenohumeral joint, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and the scapulothoracic articulation.
The shoulder joint, also known as the glenohumeral joint, is a ball and socket joint with the most extensive range of motion in the human body. The shoulder muscles have a wide range of functions, including abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, internal and external rotation.[1]The...
Function: Adduction and medial rotation of the arm, stabilize glenohumeral joint Origin: Anterior aspect of the scapula Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the humerus Innervation: Subscapular nerves (C5, C6, C7) Other muscles that affect movement at the shoulder joint include: ...
Anatomy of the Condylar Joint The Anatomy of the Central Nervous System Shoulder Pain: Types, Diagnosis and Treatments The Anatomy of Tendons What You Need to Know About Calcifications (Calcium Deposits) What Is Aplasia? How the Lymphatic System Works What Is Cortisol? Why Do You Need...
3D MODELS: There are seven 3D models, each model allows you to control a body area in 3-D space, with multiple stops along the way that identifying the structures and give comments on each area. Models cover the ankle, knee, pelvis, shoulder, face, hand, and a detailed look at the ...
Shoulder Glenohumeral joint: humerus, scapula, clavicle Muscles: - Superficial: deltoid, trapezius - Deep: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis (rotator cuff) muscles Mnemonic: Rotator cuff SITS on the shoulder Arm Bones: humerus Nerves: they all originate from the brachial plexus...
(or create your own quiz on just what you want to learn). The Action quiz tests your knowledge of every joint action in the body. The Spelling quiz tests spelling of muscle and bone names. The general quiz tests your knowledge of general muscle and bone anatomy subjects. You can also ...
joint, in anatomy, juncture between two bones. Some joints are immovable, e.g., those that connect the bones of the skull, which are separated merely by short, tough fibers of cartilage. Movable joints are found for the most part in the limbs. Hinge joints provide a forward and backward...