Thus, a thorough understanding of both sinonasal and orbital anatomy is essential for safe and efficacious surgery in this complex region. The structural features of the lateral nasal wall and medial orbit are highlighted, and relevant aspects of orbital, lacrimal, and paranasal sinus anatomy are ...
orbital cavity - the bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball cranial orbit, eye socket, orbit bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body lacrimal bone - small fragile bone making up part of the front inner walls of each eye socket and provid...
30 orbital parts in 15Anas domestic L.were observed.The skelton of the orbit is formed by frontal,ethmoid,lacrimal,sphenoid and squamosal bones.The lacrimal bone and zygomatic process are conne- cted by the mandibular long ligament to form the ventral margin of the orbit.There are extraocular...
Numerous spicules of bone are replacing and destroying the alveolar walls. Inset, Bone spicule showing osteocytes and chondrocytes. H&E stain.(Courtesy Dr. A. López, Atlantic Veterinary College.) Alveolar Filling Disorders Alveolar filling disorders are a heterogeneous group of lung diseases character...
护校护理讲课- Eye Anatomy EYEANATOMY:眼球解剖 眼科 胡守龙 EYEANATOMY •Theorbitalbone–Theeyesocket–Formedby:•Cheekbone•Forehead•Temple•Sideofnose–Eyeiscushionedwithinorbitbypadsoffat•Lacrimalgland–Producestears–Tearsdrainthroughthenasolacrimalduct EYEANATOMY http://everlastingelephants....
Frontal bone Os frontale 1/2 Synonyms: none The frontal bone is a shell-shaped, unpaired, flat bone of the skull located in the forehead region. The frontal bone consists of six main parts: the squamous part, nasal part, two orbital plates and two zygomatic plates. The main function of...
Infraorbital nerve (V2): innervatesupper lipUpper LipMelasma Mental nerve (V3): innervates lower lip Related videos 3:06 Lip Gross Anatomy of the Tongue The tongue is a muscular projection that assists with chewing, speech, and taste. The tongue hasvariableVariableVariables represent information ...
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Cadaveric dissections of the temporal bone are a critical part of learning otologic surgery in residency. Dr. Scott Brown, neurotology fellow at the University of Miami, performs a step-by-step dissection of the temporal bone. He outlines key ...
Orbital bony eye socket Otic ear Palmar palm of hand Patellar kneecap Pedal foot Pelvic pelvis Perineal region between the anus and external genitalia Plantar sole of foot Pollex thumb Pubic genital region Popliteal back of knee Sacral Posterior region between the hip bones ...
anatomy,general anatomy- the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals cytology- the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells histology- the branch of biology that studies the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues ...